Strategic Plan
The Strategic Plan is the document – strategic planning is a process and something we as an organization will continue to work on as we move forward.
The City’s Strategic Plan guides us along a path and provides focus and purpose to all that we do. It is our most important plan as it shapes our organization, the municipal programs and services we provide to the citizens of Red Deer. All other plans and projects relate back to our Strategic Plan.
The Strategic Plan is the document – strategic planning is a process and something we as an organization will continue to work on as we move forward.
Learn more about some of our active plans in progress and what we are working on for the future.
Learn more about our Municipal Development Plan, Major Area Structure Plans and our planning work with Red Deer County.
Learn more about some of our plans relating to recreation, parks, culture and community amenities.
Alberta's harsh winters leave our roads in need of repair. This means road and lane closures in the summer months. Find out what we're up to this Construction Season.
The City of Red Deer is replacing the parking technology and infrastructure in the city.