Public Hearings

Public Hearings provide an opportunity for members of the public to speak to Council on advertised planning and development matters and other matters as determined by Council. All Public Hearings are held in conjunction with a City Council Meeting.

Upcoming public hearings

Upcoming Public Hearings

The Public Hearing is City Council’s opportunity to hear from anyone who is affected by the proposed bylaw.

Process at Public Hearings

The Public Hearing is City Council’s opportunity to hear from anyone who is affected by the proposed bylaw. General rules of conduct when a Public Hearing is held are as follows:

  1. The Chair calls the Public Hearing to order and provides information on how the Public Hearing will be conducted.
  2. Administration introduces the subject matter and Council may ask Administration questions about the subject matter.
  3. Members of the public are invited to speak to the subject matter. The Chair will ask members of public who wish to speak to state their name for the record and spell their name. The speaking time limit is 5 minutes per speaker.
  4. Council may ask questions of the speaker following the speaker’s presentation.
  5. The Chair will call for any additional speakers to make sure everyone wishing to speak has had the opportunity to do so.
  6. Following all presentations from members of public, Council may ask questions to Administration.
  7. The Chair closes the Public Hearing. This ends the opportunity for the public or Administration to provide information on the matter.
  8. The Motion or bylaw on the subject matter of the Public Hearing is presented for Council’s consideration and debate.
  9. Council votes on the matter and the result of the vote is announced.

For further details on Public Hearings, please read the Procedure Bylaw 3681/2022 (pdf).