Spring program registration is now open.
xArts and Culture
Community groups, businesses and individuals all contribute to our unique and creative community and we’re here to support you in learning, seeing and experiencing all that Red Deer’s vibrant cultural scene has to offer.

Arts and Culture Facilities
There are many different facilities that offer rich experiences related to Arts and Culture in Red Deer. View the list of facilities in Red Deer including the Intermediate School, museums, and local performing arts venues.

My Activity Guide
My Activity Guide is a web tool that allows you to build a customized Activity Guide that can be bookmarked, saved and printed.

Register in a program
Register online for your program or activity through look n book.

Follow us on Facebook at rec(create)RD - your hub for Arts & Recreation at The City of Red Deer!

Arts Classes and Camps
Red Deer offers an array of visual, performing, language and literary arts camps and programs for everyone from newborns to seniors.

Community Culture Grants
Not-for-profit culture organizations can apply for a Community Culture Grant from The City of Red Deer.

Public Art
The Public Art Program serves Red Deer residents, visitors and employees by integrating outstanding works of art into public spaces and facilities throughout the city.

Art Galleries
The City of Red Deer Culture Services facilitates two gallery spaces: Corridor Community Gallery and the Viewpoint Gallery.

Culture Vision and Master Plan
The City’s Community Culture Vision is a 10 year planning document based on a broad vision of culture in our community and the role culture plays in all aspects of our lives.