Alexander Way
Alexander way boasts sculptures and a painted mural.
Red Deer has over 100 public art works on display in City facilities, parks, downtown, on streets and on the exterior of buildings. The works are diverse and range from murals and sculptures, to tapestry and sculptural benches.
Alexander way boasts sculptures and a painted mural.
A highlight of the Collicutt Centre is the art work and décor of the facility.
Downtown is home to many of Red Deer's public art pieces
Visit the G.H. Dawe Centre and see if you can find all the art pieces.
Local citizens, explorers and historians have claimed sighting of Ghosts in Red Deer's Downtown.
You will find these murals on the side of building in the downtown area.
Visit the Recreation Centre and see if you can find all these pieces.
Art pieces are found on display at a few of the City's north-end facilities.
A few pieces can be found in south Red Deer.
Red Deer City Hall has many pieces of public art to enjoy.
The Intermediate School contains administrative offices (including Culture Services), arts studios, the Viewpoint Gallery, meeting rooms and the Red Deer Symphony Orchestra offices.