
As our neighbours in Calgary continue to work on the water main repair in their city, we want to make sure Red Deerians know Red Deer’s water system and supply is reliable. We are always working to maintain and upgrade our systems and infrastructure, and here are a few facts about our Red Deer system:

  • The City of Red Deer watermain network includes over 641 km of pipe varying in size from 100 mm to 1,200 mm.
  • The majority of Red Deer’s pipes are modern PVC, designed to last over 100 years, reducing the likelihood of major leaks compared to older infrastructure.
  • Red Deer has an annual maintenance and pipe replacement program that focuses on older sections of is system, which dates to back to the 1930s and 1950s.
  • There is work taking place this summer, which includes work on 47 Avenue, 43 Avenue, Riverside Meadows and Ross Street. This is part of broad efforts to enhance water supply reliability and integrate new facilities like the Red Deer Justice Centre and the Women’s Shelter into the municipal system.
  • So far this year, there were less than 20 small and manageable water main leaks in Red Deer, resulting in limited to no water supply disruption for customers and citizens.
  • The City of Red Deer is adopting cutting-edge robotic inspection technology to proactively identify and address potential weaknesses in the water pipe system. This is being done to mitigate the risk of catastrophic failures and ensure continuous water service, particularly for high-priority areas like the hospital and regional water systems.

The City of Red Deer is prepared to support and assist our friends at The City of Calgary in whatever way possible as they continue to navigate the many challenges associated with the impact to their water system.

water faucet turned on

Water Quality

We are committed to maintaining high standards for your drinking water.

Water Treatment Plant from River

How is Water Treated?

Our Water Treatment Plant provides high quality potable drinking water to the residents of Red Deer, Blackfalds, Lacombe and Ponoka.

Conserve Water & Manage Your Bill

Water conservation is key to ensuring the future of our most valuable resource. There are steps you can take to reduce water use and make sure your bill is accurate.

Lead, copper, brass and PVC pipes

Lead Monitoring in Red Deer’s Water

While lead is a naturally occurring element found in rock and soil, extensive man-made use has resulted in its widespread presence in the environment.

Image of a water meter

Water Meters

Water meters have been replaced in Red Deer homes and businesses. The new water meters will improve customer service and billing accuracy.