Facility Rental Insurance Requirements

All facility and open space rentals at The City of Red Deer are subject to insurance requirement review. Most rentals will require users to carry general liability insurance with a minimum $5,000,000 limit. Coverage is to include and identify The City of Red Deer as an additional insured.

Why are we required to hold liability insurance?

This type of coverage ensures that if you host an event in a City facility, you or your organization are provided protection if you are held responsible for injuries or property damage caused by your event.

If you are booking under a user group or local sport organization, your organization likely holds insurance already. You can connect with them to have the certificates forwarded for your booking, if applicable.   

How do I get insurance coverage?

You have the option to obtain insurance for your rental through a private insurance broker, or through Instant Risk Coverage, a third-party insurance broker. Questions about your insurance coverage or your rates can be directed to the insurance provider, not to The City of Red Deer. Click through to view Instant Risk Coverage’s Frequently Asked Questions.

This third-party insurance portal is available 24/7, meaning that your last-minute insurance needs can likely be accommodated. If you secure insurance through Instant Risk Coverage, when your certificate is generated, it will automatically be sent to you and The City of Red Deer. If you have secured insurance through an independent broker, please remember to forward your certificate to certificates@reddeer.ca.

Insurance Portal

Low Risk Activities – insurance may not be required

Activities that have been identified as low risk may not be required to provide liability insurance coverage as they are considered to have minimal risk for injury or property damage. These are typically small-scale events with limited attendance and low-impact activities, without the use of specialized equipment or hazardous setups. However, if the event invites the general public, involves alcohol, inflatable equipment, or more than 100 attendees, liability insurance coverage will be required.

All bookings are subject to an insurance review. If you are booking online and unclear if your rental requires insurance, please connect with our Facility Pass & Booking Specialists as you create your booking at facilitybookings@reddeer.ca.

Medium/High Risk Activities – insurance is required

Medium-high risk activities must provide liability insurance coverage, as they are considered to involve activities or events that present an elevated potential for injury, property damage or liability claims.

All bookings are subject to an insurance review. If you are booking online and unclear if your rental requires insurance, please connect with our Facility Pass & Booking Specialists as you create your booking at. facilitybookings@reddeer.ca.

Using your own insurance broker

The City welcomes permit holders to use their own broker for coverage.  Please submit your Certificate of Insurance to certificates@reddeer.ca.  The Certificate of Insurance must include:

Commercial General Liability

This insurance coverage protects the individual/group against claims for bodily or personal injuries, advertising liability, as well as property damage to third parties arising from operations or products or occurring on the premises.  This coverage would cover legal costs to defend the claim against the renter in court, as well as indemnity costs to cover damages to compensate third parties.

Additional Clauses/Coverages Required

Participant Liability

This coverage will typically include coverage for individual’s participating in a sanctioned or authorized event, including related training activities. This may be phrased as “bodily injury to participants including participant to participant injury” or “participant exclusion does not apply.”

Cross Liability

This clause allows parties named under a policy to sue each other (under normal insurance rules, an insured cannot sue themselves or another insured on the same policy).

Additional Insured

Certificates of Insurance must include the City as an additional insured and reference the mailing address for City Hall (Box 5008, Red Deer, AB, T4N 3T4).  This provides the City with coverage from the renter’s policy.


General questions about your booking, or to find out if your booking requires insurance, can be directed to our bookings specialists at facilitybookings@reddeer.ca

Questions surrounding insurance rates, coverage, certificates and refunds should be directed to your independent insurance broker, or the third party provider at Instant Risk Coverage. Instant Risk Coverage customer service is available 24/7 at support@instantriskcoverage.com or by calling 1-800-517-1390.

Questions about the insurance portal? Visit Instant Risk Coverage’s FAQ page here.


Please note, if proof of insurance is not provided as requested, your booking will be cancelled without refund.

If your rental is cancelled for any reason, insurance premiums may be refunded. Please contact your insurance provider directly for support.

Get your booking started

We’re happy to welcome you to our spaces and amenities for your gathering. Find helpful information, and get in touch with our Facility Booking Specialists, by visiting us at the page below.

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