All Categories
- Animals/Pets/Wildlife
- Blue, Black and Green Cart (Residential)
- City-owned community amenities
- E-Scooters
- Flooding
- Graffiti
- Icy Roads in need of Traction or Sanding
- Icy/snowy residential or private business sidewalks
- Litter/Garbage on Public Property
- MyCity
- Needles/Drug Paraphernalia found
- Neighbourhood Activity Centres
- Noise Complaints
- Other
- Parking
- Parks & Trails
- Power
- Property Complaints
- RCMP or Non-Emergency Complaints
- Report Red Tape
- Roads & Traffic
- Spills and improper disposal of wastewater
- Storm Drains - Missing grates and manhole covers
- Street Lights
- Transit
- Utility Meters
- Waste Management
- Water Leaks & Fire Hydrant Concerns
- Website Issues