Italian Heritage Month

June is Italian Heritage Month, a time to honour and celebrate the contributions Italian Canadians have made in building a strong and vibrant country. 

Italian Heritage MonthJune is Italian Heritage Month, a time to honour and celebrate the contributions Italian Canadians have made in building a strong and vibrant country. 

There are more than 1.5 million people of Italian heritage in Canada, one of the largest Italian populations in the world. The community has enriched all aspects of our society, including art, sports, cuisine, politics and more.  


  • Transformations: The Italian Experience documents the challenges and changes experienced by new Canadians. In their own words, it recounts how these immigrants adapted to cope with the challenges of culture shock, the nostalgia for the traditions they left behind and the new life and identity they built for themselves through hard work and perseverance. 
  • is an online platform designed to connect Italian community associations nationwide. The platform provides a centralized space for associations to promote cultural events, fostering collaboration and inclusivity.