Business Licences

Business Licences are required by anyone providing a service or goods, or operating a business within City limits. This could range from a contractor coming in from out of town, a retail store operating from a commercial location or an accountant operating an office from home.

General information 

Whether you're just starting out, or are an existing business moving to a new location in town, the information below applies to all businesses operating in the City of Red Deer.

Why do I need a Business Licence?

What's in it for you?

  • Provides customer assurance; you're a valid business within the community
  • Provides protection to local businesses invested in the community by creating accountability
  • Ensures accurate business information is displayed on The City's Online Business Directory
  • Identifies trends, helping to track business movements in targeted areas; as well as pinpointing emerging jobs, and the training and education they will require to best serve the needs of the community

Additional advantages to licensing your business
(The City's perspective):

  • To have all businesses operating under the same bylaws and regulations 
  • Brings capacity to market the community/region effectively and conduct more focused strategic planning to better serve business and community members
  • Promotes safety for the community; ensuring compliance with The City's Zoning Bylaw, as well as the Alberta Building and Fire Codes, and other Provincial agencies
  • To enforce the bylaws for those not complying
Links and resources to help start your business

Provincial Licences/Permits

Depending on your industry and the services you provide, you may require Provincial authorization. Listed below are some of the Provincial agencies that Inspections and Licensing often works with:

Other Helpful Links

Visit the Steps to Starting a Business page to determine other requirements that may pertain to your new business venture.

Types of Business Licences

Annual Business Licences

  • Available for businesses operating both within and outside City limits.
  • Valid from January 1 to December 31, and are to be renewed each year that the business is operating.
  • If you are a new business applying for a licence part way through the year, a prorated fee may apply. Your licence will still expire December 31.

Short-Term Business Licences

  • Available for businesses operating both within and outside City limits. 
  • Valid for 4 consecutive months.
  • A flat fee will apply (no prorating)
How much does a Business Licence cost?

The City of Red Deer offers four types of Business Licences. Listed below are the different types, and their corresponding 2025 fees. 

Resident (in town)
   - any business based from a residential or commercial location within City limits
   - expires December 31 of each year
   - $125.25 for a full year. Fees are prorated monthly

Non Resident (out of town)
   - any business based from outside City limits
   - expires December 31 of each year 
   - $486.95 for a full year. Fees are prorated monthly

Short-Term Resident
- any business based from a residential or commercial location within City limits
   - is valid for four (4) consecutive months
   - $58.05 flat rate, no prorating

Short-Term Non Resident 
   - any business based from outside City limits
   - valid for four (4) consecutive months
   - $202.90 flat rate, no prorating

How do I apply?


Apply through MyLicence for the fastest and easiest way to submit your application.

Launch MyLicence Now

Email / in person 

Check out our "Location of your Business" section just below to find the appropriate application for your type of business.

Once you have selected and completed the appropriate application form, you can submit your application form and all requirements by email to

How do I make changes on an existing Business Licence?

Any changes needed to your Business License account can be submitted by using the Business Licence Change Request Form (pdf) or by emailing/mailing a written statement outlining the required changes.

Changes can include:

  • Mailing address
  • Business location address
  • Business operating name change
  • Contact information (phone number, email, etc.)
  • Cancellation of an account

If the ownership of a business changes, a new Business Licence application is required.

The Business Licence Change Request Form (pdf) can be submitted to the Licensing department via:

  • Email:
  • In person: Inspections and Licensing counter, main floor City Hall - 4914 48 Avenue
  • Mail: PO Box 5008  Red Deer AB T4N 3T4

 A Change fee may be applied for the following changes:

  • Physical address change (ex. business moving locations)
  • Operating Name changes (ex. business name,)

*Did you know that making changes to your MyCity profile does not change any of your business license account information? If you require changes to multiple City of Red Deer services, this can be done on our Change of Mailing Address form.

Online Business Directory

My Business Directory is a listing of all active Business Licence accounts registered for the current year. You can look for information on a specific business in Red Deer or search list of businesses that provide a certain service using our online business directory.

 Visit My Business Directory

Location of your business

Where you intend to, or are operating your business from will determine the different requirements of your Business Licence application. See below for more details.

I'm a business from out of town...

If your business is located outside of City of Red Deer limits, but is coming into Red Deer to provide a service or goods, you will require an 'Out of Town' Business Licence. 

You can apply online by clicking the green button below:

Launch MyLicence Now

Alternatively, you can complete the Business Licence Application Form (pdf) , and submit it by email to, or in person to Inspections and Licensing Customer Service Kiosk, First Floor City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue, Red Deer.

I want to operate my business from home...

Operating your business from your residence within Red Deer is classified as a Home-Based Business. 

There are regulations with which all home-based businesses are required to comply. See 'Regulated Businesses' below.

Customers to the home, employees coming to the residence, or the use of more than one vehicle for the business requires a Development Permit, as you are intensifying the use of the business from your residence. 
There may be other business operations which may require a Development Permit. This will be determined upon review of your application. This approval is required prior to the Business Licence being issued.

Apply online by clicking the green button below:

Launch MyLicence Now

Alternatively, you can complete and submit the Home-Based Business Licence Application Form (pdf)  by email to, or in person to Inspections and Licensing Customer Service kiosk on the First Floor of City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue.

I am operating from a Commercial/Industrial location...

You will require a Business Licence to operate a business from a location that is zoned commercial or industrial within City of Red Deer limits.

You can apply online by clicking the green button below:

Launch MyLicence Now

Alternatively, you can complete the Business Licence Application Form (pdf), and submit it by email to, or in person to Inspections and Licensing Customer Service kiosk, First Floor City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue, Red Deer.

Are you making changes to the space?

Any change of use or construction/renovations to the space may require additional approvals under The City's Zoning Bylaw and/or the Alberta Building Code.

Inspections and Licensing may identify the requirement of a change of use Development Permit and/or Building Permit, after reviewing your Business Licence application. You will be notified by email if additional documentation is required.

Forms that may be required:

I want to operate a Mobile Business Unit...

Mobile Business Unit (MBU) means a motor vehicle, push cart or temporary structure used for the purpose of selling products, including food, and is capable of being moved from location to location. Types of MBUs could include:

  • food trucks
  • fruit stands
  • ice cream bike(s)/truck(s)
  • blanket vendor

Food service MBUs that are used to produce, cook, sell or distribute food, and have a secondary heat source (whether gas, propane, or electric) may require additional permitting. See our Mobile Cooking Operations page to find out more.

If you are a vendor operating in Red Deer solely as part of a market or special event, you will not require a Business Licence.

There are additional criteria for MBUs, outlined under Regulated Businesses below.

You can apply online by clicking the green button below:

Launch MyLicence Now

Alternatively, you can complete the Mobile Business Unit Application Form (pdf) , and submit it by email to, or in person to Inspections and Licensing Customer Service kiosk, First Floor City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue, Red Deer.

Regulated Businesses

The Business Licence Bylaw identifies several types of businesses that have additional requirements and conditions.  See the list below.

Home-Based Businesses

Listed below are some of the regulations for home-based businesses. For a complete listing of regulations, see section 4.8(j) of The City's Zoning Bylaw (Land Use Bylaw):

  • shall not be staffed by more than two adult residents of the home 
  • only one commercial vehicle used in conjunction with the home occupation may be parked on the site or any adjacent street
  • no advertising may be posted at the site of a home occupation
  • may not result in a disturbance to the peace and quiet or other amenities of the neighbourhood, nor may it cause the emission of dust, noise, odour, smoke, electronic interference, bright lights, or other nuisances
  • outside storage of equipment material or goods in connection with a home occupation is prohibited, nor shall there be any storage or use of hazardous, noxious or dangerous goods
  • an accessory building may not be constructed or used for the sole purpose of a home occupation, but a home occupation may be accommodated in a private garage, provided that the intended purpose of parking motor vehicles continues to be met
Pawn Shops and Pawn Brokers

Pawn Broker means a person who carries on the business of loaning or holding oneself out as ready to loan money on the security of the pawn of property. Does not include a bank, trust company, credit union or other similar institution.

Listed below are some of the regulations for Pawn Shops and Pawn Brokers. For a complete list of regulations, see Schedule "B" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf)

  • pawn shops cannot be located within a residence
  • are required to use Business Watch International - PawnSight (BWI) to record each transaction for pawned goods. Records are to be kept for a period of 1 year from the date the goods were pawned, and cannot be erased or altered in any way while they are kept.
  • not sell any Pawned Goods until at least forty-five (45) days have elapsed from the time the goods were Pawned
  • cannot accept pawned goods if:
    • the goods are offered by a person who is under 18 years old, fails to provide identification, or appears to be intoxicated
    • the goods have/appear to have the identification/serial number removed or altered in any way, unless prior written approval is obtained from the RCMP
Second Hand Dealers

Second Hand Dealer means the business of acquiring second-hand property by trade, purchase or consignment, for the purpose of selling. Does not include auction sales, auto-wreckers, or recycling depots.

Listed below are some regulations for Second Hand Dealers. For the complete list of regulations, please see Schedule "C" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

  • A Second Hand Dealer shall not carry on the business of a Pawn Broker on the same premises 
  • Will be required to use Business Watch International-PawnSight software to record the required information outlined in the Schedule "C". Businesses that are exempt from BWI requirements are listed under section 9 of Schedule "C" 
  • Records are to be kept for a period of 1 year from the date the goods were acquired, and cannot be erased or altered in any way while they are kept
  • Shall not dispose of or undertake the repair of any second hand goods until at least 45 days have elapsed from the time of acquisition
Mobile Business Units (MBUs)

Listed below are some regulations for Mobile Business Units (MBUs). For the complete list of regulations, please see Schedule "D" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

  • MBUs must obtain permission from the property owner, whether private property or City-owned land,  prior to carrying on business on such land.
  • MBUs may not use parking meters located around City Hall block, including in front of City Hall on 48 Avenue (between 49 Street and Ross Street), or along Ross Street (between 48 Avenue and 49 Avenue). 
  • A Use of Streets Permit is required for the MBU to park on City roadways for business use. Proof of approved Business Licence must be provided to Engineering Services. Payment for Use of Street Permit does not constitute approval of location under the approved Business Licence. It is the responsibility of the MBU to follow the required criteria.
  • MBUs must abide by all municipal, provincial and federal regulations including Traffic Bylaw.

Food Services:

MBUs that provide food services shall:

  1. Not carry on business from any residential neighbourhood; unless being carried on with the consent of the property owner and on a non-recurring basis.
  2. Not be located within 50m from a permanent food service establishment or a primary or secondary school.
  3. Provide waste and recycling receptacles for customers while the Food Services Business is carrying on business.
Direct Sellers

Listed below are the regulations for Direct Sellers. This list can be found under Schedule "E" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

  • A Direct Seller must submit proof of a current/valid direct selling business licence, issued under the Direct Selling Business Licensing Regulation, Alberta Regulation, 190/1999.
  • A Direct Seller may not carry on business between the hours of 8 p.m. and 8 a.m.
  • A Direct Seller must carry with him a copy of their valid Business Licence, and produce it on request to each potential customer.

If you do not have a Provincial licence for Direct Sales, please visit the Service Alberta website.

Drinking Establishments

Listed below are some regulations for Drinking Establishments. For the complete list of regulations, please see Schedule "F" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

Drinking Establishments must:

  • adhere to the provisions of all bylaws, enactments or regulations which apply to the drinking establishment
  • maintain in place a plan for first aid for patrons of the establishment, and outside inspection and clean up in the vicinity of the business location, during and after the hours of operation
  • be subject to additional conditions of the Business Licence, should events occur that jeopardize the safety, health, welfare or property of members of the public, or of the patrons of the business.
  • be subject to inspections by a member of the RCMP, a Peace Officer, or Safety Codes Officer during the hours of operation

Visit the AGLC website to find out what kind of Provincial licensing and regulations are required for drinking establishments.

Mobile and Permanent Supervised Consumption Services

Listed below are some regulations for Mobile and Permanent Supervised Consumption Services. For the complete list of regulations, please see Schedule "G" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

Mobile and Permanent Consumption Services must meet the following regulations:

  • the applicant has been granted an exemption for medical purposes by the federal government in accordance with section 56.1 or the Controlled Drugs and Substances Act
  • must provide written notice of their intent to apply for a licence to each owner and occupant of land located within a 100m radius of the location where the site is proposing to operate. 
  • additional items required to be submitted with the application, whether the site is mobile or permanent, are:
    • a signed landowner consent where services are proposed to be offered
    • a proposed security plan, including the number and qualifications of security personnel
  • additional conditions may be imposed, such as CPTED concerns, hours of operation, queue management, and security concerns.
Cannabis Retail Sales and Cannabis Production Facilities

Listed below are some regulations for Cannabis Retail Sales and Cannabis Production Facilities. For the complete list of regulations, please see Schedule "H" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

  • must maintain and keep proof of a valid and subsisting Cannabis Licence pursuant to the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act (Alberta)
  • must maintain and keep a list of all persons employed, including proof of each employee's compliance with the qualifications, conditions, or training requirements for employees of Cannabis Licensees set out in the Gaming, Liquor and Cannabis Act (Alberta)
  • must submit a proposed security plan for the licensed premises
  • ensure that a minimum of two employees are present on the licensed premises at any time the business is open to the public
  • comply with all applicable municipal, provincial, and federal legislation

Visit the AGLC website to find out what provincial licensing and regulations are required.

Late Night Clubs

Late Night Club means a facility where:

  1.  No alcohol or alcoholic beverages are available for consumption or sale.
  2.  20 or more patrons are assembled at any time between 3 a.m. and 6 a.m.
  3.  Tickets are sold, or an entrance fee is charged.

Listed below are some regulations for Late Night Clubs. For the complete list of regulations, please see Schedule "I" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

Late Night Clubs must:

  • submit a description of the usual types of events that will be held at the location, including hours of operation, and the method by which admission will be charged
  • provide a description of the sound system to be used at the business, and any steps that will be taken by the applicant to ensure that noise disturbance outside the business is minimized.
Auto Wreckers, Salvage Yard, Scrap Metal Dealers

Auto Wreckers/Salvage Yard/Scrap Metal Dealers means a Business where scrap metal, material from demolished buildings or structures, recyclable material, scrapped or demolished motor vehicles, junk or salvage of any type is purchased, received, processed, stored or dismantled prior to being resold or disposed of.

Listed below are some of the regulations for Auto Wreckers. For a complete list of regulations, see Schedule "K" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf).

Auto Wreckers regulations:

  • Required to use Business Watch International - PawnSight (BWI) to record each transaction for goods accepted.
  • Records are to be kept for a period of 2 year from the date the goods are acquired, and cannot be erased or altered in any way while they are kept.
  • Cannot accept goods if the goods are offered by a person who is under 18 years old, fails to provide identification, or appears to be intoxicated.
E-Scooter Licences

For a list of regulations, please see Schedule "J" of the Business Licence Bylaw 3609/2018 (pdf) .

Email completed form and required documentation to

If you have difficulty downloading the documents or have any other inquiries related to the e-scooter pilot program, please contact or call 403-342-8182.

Contact Information

For any inquiries, please contact Licensing by phone or email: