
Before you begin building a fence, find out what regulations you'll need to follow.

Permit Requirements

You do not need a Building Permit to build a fence. An inspection is not required once the fence is complete. 

Fence Regulations
  • Build your fence on or within your property lines. Your Real Property Report will show you where your property lines are.
  • Height restrictions:
    • Back yard fence maximum height: 6 feet, 6 inches (2 metres)
    • Front yard fence maximum height: 3 feet (0.9 metres)
  • Use safe building materials. The use of electrified materials, protruding sharpened spikes, broken glass, or barbed wire is not permitted.
  • Check with your subdivision developer or home builder to see if there are architectural controls in your neighbourhood.
Fences on Corner Lots
  • Make sure you have adequate sight lines if you live on a corner lot. You can’t build a fence, grow a hedge, or put any other screening materials that are higher than 3 feet in sight line areas.
  • Make sure you have reviewed and understand the clearances for Utility Right of Ways (URW). 
  • Diagram showing distances and guidlines for building a fence


Email: inspections@reddeer.ca 
Phone: 403-342-8190
In person: Main floor of City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue

City Hall is open between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Closed weekends and statutory holidays.