"Cannabis Retail Sales” means a retail store that is licensed by the Province of Alberta to lawfully sell Cannabis and Cannabis Accessories to individuals who attend the premises.
Cannabis Retail Sales outlets are allowed on a discretionary basis in Red Deer. Whether you’re going to locate in a vacant space or an existing retail location, you’ll need several permits if you’re planning on opening a Cannabis Retail Sales business.
"Cannabis Retail Sales” means a retail store that is licensed by the Province of Alberta to lawfully sell Cannabis and Cannabis Accessories to individuals who attend the premises.
The City of Red Deer will accept applications for Cannabis Retail Sales as a Discretionary Use in the C1 and C4 Districts. When you find a potential location for Cannabis Retail Sales you can visit the City’s WebMap to check the zoning of a site.
The City of Red Deer has mandated various setbacks from sensitive locations, such as but not limited to, schools, daycares, health care facilities, City recreation facilities and other cannabis retailers. Some sensitive uses are shown on the City’s WebMap, including City facilities, hospitals, and schools. Other sensitive uses will need to be located by the applicant using online searches and in person inspections of the proposed location.
Yes. Both a Development Permit and a Building Permit are required for a new cannabis retail sales location. Depending on the extent of the work, you may also require electrical, gas, heating, and plumbing permits.
Learn about the different criteria that we review before issuing a Development Permit and a Building Permit.
A Development Permit is required to ensure that the cannabis retail location can operate in the proposed space under the district/zoning. We also check the separation distances and location criteria regulations.
As cannabis retail sales is discretionary, review of the application will take 2-7 business days, and then there is a 21 day appeal/advertising period. This appeal/advertising period is required under the Provincial Municipal Government Act. It allows someone to appeal a discretionary application if they feel they are affected by the decision.
Please refer to 'Schedule A' of the Development Permit Fee Bylaw to find the fees associated with Development Permits.
A Building Permit may be required to review the safety components of an existing commercial space, and ensure it meets the requirements for your specific business. Ultimately, the goal is to make sure the space is safe for you, your staff and future customers.
Even if you are not doing construction/renovations to the space, a building permit may be needed to review some of the following:
Again, our ultimate goal is your safety!
You will still require a Building Permit, however, we would classify this as tenant improvements rather than a change of use to the space. Additional documents will be required. Please check out our page for more information.
Please refer to 'Schedule A' of the Safety Codes Permit Bylaw 3551/2015 (pdf) to find the fees for Building Permits.
Check out what is included with each step of the process, from preparing your documents to beginning construction.
An owner or licensed contractor can submit permit applications. If you are not the owner of the property, you will need to include a Letter of Authorization (pdf) with the application package.
If you are a contractor requiring a City of Red Deer Business Licence, please visit our Licensing page before submitting your permit application.
Before submitting your permit applications, you need to prepare all the plan documents and forms that are required for your submission. Review the respective requirements list and forms for each permit.
These guides will help you prepare and save your required plan documents to submit during your application process.
Development Permits can be submitted via email. Submit a fully completed package, including all spaces filled out on each application form and providing all items on the requirements list from Step 1: Prepare your documents. A complete application package allows us to start your file. Email the package to development@reddeer.ca.
Building Permits can be submitted online using MyPermits. Please ensure you have all the documents and drawings you need for your project by following the requirement list and plan submission standards documents from Step 1: Prepare your documents. You will be required to upload these files to ProjectDox to complete your application. If the application is incomplete, the permit will be returned to you to submit the missing items.
For assistance, refer to our ProjectDox Applicant Guide (pdf).
Building Permits can also be submitted via email. Submit a fully completed package, including all spaces filled out on the application form and providing all items on the respective requirement list from Step 1: Prepare your documents. Email the package to inspections@reddeer.ca.
Once we receive your complete permit applications, the Development Officer and the Building Safety Codes Officer will conduct a review of the permits, ensuring the proposed development complies with the Land Use Bylaw and the Safety Codes Act, respectively.
You will receive email notifications throughout the application process, including:
Did you know that some email servers will block City of Red Deer emails? These emails will often end up in your junk/spam mail folder! Please add @reddeer.ca as an allowable sender to make sure you are receiving our emails.
You will need additional permits to put in lights and outlets, heat and plumbing.
The City of Red Deer allows owners to obtain permits; however, if you have no previous knowledge or experience with these installations, you should engage the services of a licensed contractor to apply for the required permits and complete the work.
There are a few exceptions:
Contractors applying for permits require a valid City of Red Deer Business Licence. Please visit our Licensing page should you require a new or renewed licence prior to applying for your permit.
Owners and contractors can apply online using MyPermits, or submit an application form via email to inspections@reddeer.ca.
The required inspections will be determined when the Safety Codes Officer reviews your application, and will be listed on the Safety Codes Building Permit when it is approved and issued.
If you've obtained any sub-trade permits, you may need two inspections during the course of the respective permit.
If you obtain multiple sub-trades permits, these inspections will apply to each permit type.
Once your Safety Codes Building Permit has been approved and issued, you will receive an email with instructions of how to schedule an inspection.
You will receive an email notification informing you of the outcome of each inspection.
Email: inspections@reddeer.ca
Phone: 403-342-8190