Waskasoo Neighbourhood Plan

Waskasoo Neighbourhood Plan - 2016

The Waskasoo Neighbourhood Plan will guide future development and redevelopment of the area over the next 10 to 25 years. The plan is divided into two parts based on their approval processes and implementation responsibility:

Part 1: Area Redevelopment Plan (ARP)

The ARP contains the statutory portion of the Waskasoo Neighbourhood Plan and The City of Red Deer is responsible to lead the implementation.

View the Waskasoo Area Redevelopment Plan (pdf)  

Part 2: Community Plan (CP)

The CP is the non-statutory portion of the Waskasoo Neighbourhood Plan that provides a planning tool to assist the community in achieving the vision created for their neighbourhood.

View the Waskasoo Community Plan (pdf)

If you have any questions, contact:

City Planning and Growth Department