Heritage is a combination of the things that give us a sense of self. It is the traditions we keep, the languages we speak, the music we play, the books we read, the tools we use, the stories passed down through our families, the nursery rhymes and lullabies our parents and grandparents sang to us. It is also the buildings we live in and use, the parks that we play in and the forests and mountains that we cherish.

CPR Station, 1914. Red Deer Archives. P2603
The City provides a range of initiatives that support our community's built, cultural and natural heritage including:
- supporting the designation, protection and restoration of historic resources, sites, cultural landscapes and heritage districts;
- promoting heritage education and awareness through heritage signage and heritage walking, biking and driving tours;
- providing advice, assistance and support on heritage related issues to community groups, individuals and property owners;
- maintaining an inventory of Red Deer's historic resources.
General Hours of Operation
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Closed Statutory Holidays
Main Contact Information
Main Phone Line: 403-406-8700
Fax: 403-342-8200
Email: planning@reddeer.ca
City Hall (4914-48 Ave)
Mailing Address