Each neighborhood is only allowed 15 per cent of the total number of detached dwelling units to have House Suites. You can use Web Map to ensure the neighborhood your suite is in has not reached this maximum. Refer to Using Web Map to determine secondary suites Instruction Manual (pdf) to learn how.
- Only one suite per house.
- If the suite has two or less bedrooms, a total of three parking stalls are required on the site.
- If the suite has three or more bedrooms, a total of four parking stalls are required on the site.
- A hard surfaced walkway is required from the house suite parking area to the entrance.
- Acceptable parking stalls include a driveway, attached garage, detached garage, or gravel parking area.
- The minimum size of a parking stall is 2.7m wide by 5.5m deep.
For read Secondary Suite Building Code Information (pdf) for additional information about the regulations regarding House Suites.