Spring program registration is now open.
xGreat Chief Park

The sport fields at Great Chief Park provide top performance fields for a variety of sports enthusiasts.
- Two fastball diamonds
- Two baseball diamonds
- Synthetic regulation sized sports field lined for football and soccer lighting
- Dressing room/bathroom facility
- Raised media booth
- Concession, available for rental by user group
- Kiwanis Picnic Park includes picnic shelter and playground, within short walking distance
- 9-hole Pitch' n Putt golf course, Open May 1 - Oct 1
- Use of the course is by cash donation, on a first-come, first-served basis. Access to the course is on foot between the Baseball #1 and Setters Place Field fences, just past the Great Chief Park Field House.
- Horseshoe pits
Fee and Access Options
If you're interested in booking Great Chief Park, or one of the various Class A or B sport fields, please email facilitybookings@reddeer.ca for more information on timelines and how to complete a rental application. Fees are applicable to games, practices, special events and tournaments.
Contact Information:
4707 Fountain Drive (map)
Onsite Staff Phone: 403-358-6325 or 403-396-5591
Great Chief Park Office Phone: 403-406-8773
Facility Bookings Specialist: 403-309-8421
Also at Great Chief Park
Pet Friendly
Responsible pet owners are asked to comply with expectations set out below:
- Dogs allowed on leash within the sport field areas
- Dogs restricted to non-bleacher viewing areas
- Clean up after your pet. ‘Dog doo’ bag dispensers available on site
- Pet ‘refreshment’ area for water access available on site
- Aggressive or noisy dogs will not be permitted on the premises
Pets and their owners will be asked to leave the premises if found not following guidelines set out. Bylaw/RCMP officers can remove dogs, and/ or fine owners not complying with local Bylaws.