Environmental Initiatives Grant

The Environmental Initiatives Grant will provide up to $10,000 per year to support community-led projects that empower citizens to take action to achieve the vision and goals of Red Deer's Environmental Master Plan.
A watering can being used to water a garden bed.

This grant is designed to provide financial support to community-led projects that empower citizens to take action to achieve this vision. The desired outcomes are to:

  • Help citizens adopt actions to enhance the health and wellbeing of our environment.
  • Foster positive relationships between people and our natural environment.
  • Increase collaboration between citizens through environmental initiatives.

Apply for Funding

In 2025, there are two funding options open to registered not-for-profit societies serving Red Deer. Up to $10,000 per year is available through each funding steam.

Applications will be accepted via Smart Simple. A link to the application form will be added to this page once the application intake period begins.

Applications will be accepted for a six week time frame each year. In 2025, applications will be accepted from March 4 until Monday, April 14 at 4 p.m.

  1. Environmental Investment category – Supports longer-term projects over a three-year funding period.
  2. Environmental Innovation category – Designed for short-term projects completed within one year.

Application Resources

The following documents may help you with your application:

For further assistance, please contact the Environmental Initiatives team at Environmental.Initiatives@RedDeer.ca or 403-406-8820.


Successful applicants are required to report on the outcomes of their projects as per the Application Guide. Final reporting is due January 31, following the end of the project. Funding may not be received if there are outstanding reports due for previously received grants.


Appeals will be considered only in instances where the appellant believes there has been an error in fact or in process in the handling of their submission. Disagreement with a final funding decision does not warrant an appeal. To make an appeal, send a completed Appeal Form within 10 days of funding notification to Environmental.Initiatives@RedDeer.ca

Previously Funded Projects

Learn more about the projects supported in 2024 on We Are Red Deer.

2024 Funded Projects
Organization Project Name Funding
Red Deer Food Bank Society Rainwater Capture and Gardening Program $10,000
Red Deer Food Bank Society Local Food Resources Map and Directory $10,000
Leftovers Foundation Rescue Food Red Deer 2024 $5,000
Ten Peaks Innovation Alliance Inc. 10Peaks Innovation Xchange $10,000
Red Deer Family Services Bureau Urban Habitat Planter Project $10,000
ReThink Red Deer The Eco Living Fair Revival $10,000
ReThink Red Deer A Can of Worms $10,000
African Caribbean Centre of Central Alberta Black Families Environmental Awareness Project 2024 $8,000
2023 Funded Projects
Organization Project Name Funding
ReThink Red Deer Energy Innovation Fair $10,000
African Caribbean Centre of Central Alberta Environmental Awareness Project – Camp for Youth $10,000
Red Deer River Watershed Alliance Society Community-Based Monitoring Aquatic  Ecosystem Health Tool Program $9,000
Waskasoo Environmental Education Society Climate Literacy Through Direct Action Programming $10,000
ReThink Red Deer Common Ground Community Camp $10,000