Your home is considered the primary building on your property, anything else constructed is considered an accessory building or structure.
This could include:
- Detached garages
- Sheds
- Gazebos
- Workshops
- Greenhouses
- Pergolas
- Arbours
- Carports
Before you begin building a detached garage, shed or similar type of structure, find out what permits you may require, and learn what regulations you'll need to follow.
Your home is considered the primary building on your property, anything else constructed is considered an accessory building or structure.
This could include:
When planning to build a detached garage, or other type of accessory structure on your property, consider the placement, height, and size of the structure, to ensure it complies with the regulations below:
These regulations apply to the majority of properties. Some exceptions may exist.
A Development Permit and a Building Permit are required for accessory buildings that are:
If the accessory structure is smaller than the criteria above, permits are not required, but must still comply with the placement on the property, of being a minimum distance of 0.9m (3') from the side and rear property lines.
Learn about the different criteria that we review before issuing a Development Permit and a Building Permit.
A Development Permit is required to ensure that the structure you are proposing to build on your property complies with the Zoning Bylaw in regards to placement, size and height.
As part of your Development Permit application, you can request a variance to any of the Zoning Bylaw regulations. You will explain why you are asking for the variance, and what makes your site unique that a variance should be considered.
Note: During building season (April 1 - October 31), processing times may take longer, due to the number of applications that are submitted during this time.
In most cases, it will take 5-7 business days for review and decision. Depending on the size or location of the proposed building, consultation with neighbouring landowners may be required. If this is the case for your build, the timeline for review is extended by approximately three weeks.
Also important to note, if your project requires a variance to regulations in the Zoning Bylaw, there is a 21-day appeal period before the permit can be issued, if approved.
Please refer to 'Schedule A' of the Development Permit Fee Bylaw to find the fees associated with the Development Permit.
A Building Permit is required to review the safety components of constructing a detached garage or similar structure, ensuring it is constructed correctly and is safe for you to use.
Note: During building season (April 1 - October 31), processing times may take longer, due to the number of applications that are submitted during this time.
In most cases, it will take 7-10 business days to review and issue. The Building Permit cannot be issued until the Development Permit has been issued.
The fees have recently been updated, please refer to revised Schedule A for current fees: Safety Codes Fee Schedule April 2024 (pdf)
The Safety Codes Permit Bylaw 3551/2015 (pdf) will have information pertaining to a Building Permit for accessory buildings.
Check out what is included with each step of the process, from preparing your documents to beginning construction.
A homeowner or licensed contractor can submit permit applications. If you are not the owner of the property, you will need to include a Letter of Authorization (pdf) with the application package.
If you are a contractor requiring a City of Red Deer Business Licence, please visit our Licensing page before submitting your permit application.
Before submitting your permit applications, you need to prepare all the plan documents and forms that are required for your submission. Review the respective requirements list and forms for each permit.
These guides will help you prepare and save your required plan documents to submit during your application process.
If you are unsure of anything on the application requirement list, we have provided example applications to help you out!
Apply online:
Following the instructions provided, use MyPermits and ProjectDox to submit your Building and Development Permit applications.
Note, each permit and its requirements have to be submitted separately.
Step 1: Enter permit and project information through MyPermits. (you'll be doing this step twice; once for the Development Permit application and again for the Building Permit application)
Step 2: You'll receive an email with instructions on how to upload and submit your permit requirements to ProjectDox, The City's online plan submission system.
After you've have submitted your permit application, keep an eye on your email. You will receive notifications as your permit progresses through its review.
Once we receive your complete permit applications, the Development Officer and the Building Safety Codes Officer will conduct a review of the applications, ensuring the proposed development complies with the Zoning Bylaw and the Safety Codes Act, respectively.
You will receive email notifications throughout the application process, including:
Did you know that some email servers will block City of Red Deer emails? These emails will often end up in your junk/spam mail folder. Please add @reddeer.ca as an allowable sender to make sure you are receiving our emails.
You will need additional permits to put in lights and outlets, heat and plumbing.
The City of Red Deer allows homeowners to obtain permits; however, if you have no previous knowledge or experience with these installations, you should engage the services of a licensed contractor to apply for the required permits and complete the work.
There are a few exceptions:
Contractors applying for permits require a valid City of Red Deer Business Licence. Please visit our Licensing page should you require a new or renewed licence prior to applying for your permit.
Homeowners and contractors can apply online using MyPermits, or submit an application form via email to inspections@reddeer.ca.
The required inspections will be determined when the Safety Codes Officer reviews your application, and will be listed on the Safety Codes Building Permit when it is approved and issued.
If you've obtained any sub-trade permits, you may need two inspections during the course of the respective permit.
If you obtain multiple sub-trades permits, these inspections will apply to each permit type.
Once your Safety Codes Building Permit has been approved and issued, you will receive an email with instructions of how to schedule an inspection.
You will receive an email notification informing you of the outcome of each inspection.
Email: inspections@reddeer.ca
Phone: 403-342-8190
In person: Main floor of City Hall, 4914 48 Avenue
City Hall is open between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday to Friday. Closed weekends and statutory holidays.