Piper Creek Gardens

Located south of the Waste Transfer Site along Piper Creek, this property is a former farmstead.

Piper Creek Gardens (1709 40 Avenue)

Plot Sizes and 2025 Fees

Plot Size - APPROXIMATE 2025 Fees    
Large (A) - 90m2 to 120m2  $60.00/yr
Medium (B) - 40m2 to 60m $42.00/yr
Small (C) - 25m2 to 30m $28.00/yr

To view the map in full screen, click here.




In 2022 water tanks were installed at each garden location. The purpose of the water tanks is to HELP supplement the water provided by the gardeners which is brought from home in their own water jugs. Please refrain from filling personal water sources left at the garden, such as water barrels. Tanks are filled at set intervals only, so please be respectful and mindful of this resource. 

Pesticide & Fertilizer Use

City of Red Deer garden plots are pesticide-free (Parks & Public Facilities Bylaw 3255/2000). Conventional pesticides (including herbicides, insecticides, fungicides and rodenticides) are prohibited. Certain ecologically sensitive pest control products may be considered at the discretion of The City of Red Deer Parks section. 

As an added measure of environmental protection you are encouraged to only use organic fertilizers and soil amendments as opposed to synthetic or chemical ones. Organic materials such as manure, compost and bone meal help to build up the soil and promote a healthy soil ecosystem. Though synthetic or chemical fertilizers provide plants with quick food, they do nothing to sustain the soil.  Furthermore chemical runoff and ground seepage from gardens into adjacent natural areas and water bodies can negatively affect the health of those fragile ecosystems. 

Contact Information

Cemetery Services
Office hours:
 8 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday to Friday
Email: cemeteryservices@reddeer.ca 