March 7, 2025 10:14 AM
(Red Deer, Alberta)The Monday, March 10, 2025, Regular City Council Meeting will start at 10:30 a.m.
Quarterly Community Policing Report:
- Red Deer RCMP will present the Third Quarter (Oct-Dec) crime statistics and an update on the Annual Policing Priorities.
Electric Utility Annual Report to Council for Alberta Regulation:
- The Electric Light & Power (EL&P) department will submit their Annual Compliance Report in accordance with the Alberta Utilities Commission Code of Conduct Regulation.
Set Public Hearing Date June 23, 2025 – Electric Utility MCC Business Plan:
- Council will consider a request to set a date for a mandatory public hearing required prior to a decision to establish a Municipally Controlled Corporation for The City’s electric utility.
- In July 2024, City Council provided direction to administration to explore the possibility of transitioning the electric utility to a Municipally Controlled Corporation. We are now in the process of developing a business plan, financial analysis and regulatory review, and preparing for the mandatory public hearing.
- The public hearing will provide an opportunity for citizens and other interested parties to provide their feedback on the Municipally Controlled Corporation.
- The business plan will be available to the public at least 30 days prior to the public hearing.
Update on Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR):
- City council will receive a report updating them on the Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Process, new legislation that will be implemented on April 1, 2025.
- EPR is a provincial system that shifts the physical and financial burden of collecting, sorting, processing and recycling certain products and packaging to the producers (manufacturers) and away from local governments and taxpayers.
Regional Collaboration Committee Terms of Reference Review:
- The Regional Collaboration Committee (RCC) is a Council committee established out of The City of Red Deer and Red Deer County’s development and adoption of its Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF). The committee’s purpose is to facilitate ongoing discussions between the two municipalities.
- The committees Terms of Reference (TOR) were adopted in 2021 and is now recommending improvement to the TOR to further their ability to meet and discuss topics of mutual interest.
- The revised TOR must be approved by both Council’s before coming into effect.
Utility Bylaw Amendment:
- To accommodate the Extended Producer Responsibility legislation, Council will be presented with an amended Utility Bylaw that will include a decrease in monthly recycling collection rates for residents with blue cart collection or multi-family recycling bins.
Off-Site Levy Bylaw Update – First Reading:
- City Council will receive a report and consider first reading to update the Off-Site Levy Bylaw. The current bylaw has not been updated since 2019. This bylaw update reflects input from the development community, development trends, growth projections as well as updated and realistic project staging for infrastructure projects that influence the rate.
After this update, the proposed average off-site levy rate in 2025 is projected to be $164,605 per hectare, down from $204,816 per hectare in 2019.
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