Today, City Council passed first reading of an updated Procedure Bylaw that will improve the efficiency of City Council meetings, increase transparency of meeting processes, and emphasize the importance of the health and wellness of all meeting participants.
“The Procedure Bylaw establishes how Council meetings will be conducted,” said Interim City Manager Tara Lodewyk. “The last update for this bylaw was in 2012 and since that time there have been many changes in provisions for meetings, the use of technology for meetings has improved and our knowledge of parliamentary law has increased.”
Some key changes in the new Procedure Bylaw include:
- Establish a new, clear, and fair process for setting of Council agendas with the introduction of an Agenda Review Committee.
- More transparent practices for Public Hearings so the public can better understand what to expect.
- Improve and clarify processes related to parliamentary procedures.
- Improve transparency by bringing together information from the Municipal Government Act (MGA), Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, and Council’s customs. This should also make it easier for members of Council, administration, and the public to participate in meetings.
“I’m particularly excited about the transparency the new Procedure Bylaw provides to Council, administration and the public,” said Mayor Ken Johnston. “Knowing how and why items get on the agenda, having clear direction on how the public can participate in meetings, improves understanding and efficiency for the entire community.”
Second and third readings for the Procedure Bylaw are slated for March 28, 2022. When third reading is passed, the new bylaw will be effective one month later. This will provide time for administration to contact the necessary participants prior to any upcoming public hearings.
For more information, please contact:
Corporate Communications
The City of Red Deer