July 27, 2023 10:13 AM
(Red Deer, Alberta)Motorists are advised of an upcoming road closure on 50 Avenue and 50 (Ross) Street for the annual event, CentreFest.
Between 7 a.m. on Saturday, July 29 and 9 p.m. on Sunday, July 30, 50 Avenue from 51 Street to 49 Street and 50 (Ross) Street from 49 Avenue and 51 Avenue will we closed to traffic to allow for the annual street performance event to occur. Traffic can use 49 Avenue, 52 Street and 51 Avenue to detour this closure.
Drivers are reminded to slow down near closure areas and pedestrians are to cross only at designated crosswalks. For more information about road closures, visit www.reddeer.ca/roadclosures.
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