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Red Deer property taxes due next week

June 20, 2023 3:12 PM
(Red Deer, Alberta)

Red Deer property owners are reminded to pay their property taxes before the June 30 deadline. Taxpayers have several options to pay their taxes, including through their financial institution, as part of their mortgage payments, or in person at City Hall.

The City reminds taxpayers that not all payments are instant, so they should confirm processing times to ensure their payment is submitted on time. Those paying by mail should ensure envelopes are postmarked by June 30. City Hall closes for in person payments at 4:30 p.m. on Friday, June 30.

On July 1, a six per cent penalty is applied to any outstanding property taxes, except for those registered for the Tax Instalment Plan (TIP). Anyone who may not be able to pay their taxes by the deadline is encouraged to pay as much as they can to reduce penalties.

City staff are happy to answer any questions and can be reached at 403-342-8126 or

More information about Red Deer’s property taxes is available online at

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