December 16, 2024 4:17 PM
(Red Deer, Alberta)The following decisions were made by City Council during the December 16 regular City Council meeting:
Amendments to the Zoning Bylaw – Direct Control Zone:
- City Council approved first reading of the Zoning Bylaw, including the adoption of a new Direct Control Zone. If second and third readings are approved at a later date, amendments will allow the development of house suites in duplexes on a case-by-case basis. Rezoning to DC (35) would be required before an application for a house suite could be pursued.
- Council then approved first reading of a rezoning application for 34 Rutherford Drive from R-D to DC (35). Both items will return for second and third reading in the new year.
RCMP Quarterly Community Policing Report – Q2:
- Superintendent Glassford presented second quarter statistics, highlighting:
- Persons Crimes have decreased 8 per cent and Property Crimes decreased 13 per cent when compared to the same quarter last year.
- Criminal Code traffic offences increased 20 per cent, in part due to proactive patrols and an increase in serious traffic offenses.
- Supt. Glassford also profiled the 20 community consultations and connections RCMP members participated in during the quarter, including Walk a Mile in her Shoes, the 10th Annual Recovery Day, Pop Up Spray Parks, Red Deer Native Friendship Centre's Back to School event, the African Caribbean Festival, Canada Day and Western Days celebrations, and many more.
- The Red Deer RCMP continued to work with community partners to reduce crime and enhance community safety initiatives. These partnerships include Citizens on Patrol (COP), Alberta Community Crime Prevention Association, attending Bike Safety summer camps, and providing crime prevention presentations to seniors.
- Body Worn Camera (BWC) will begin rolling out to all Alberta RCMP detachments next year. Red Deer RCMP expect to receive BWCs in March 2025. More information will be provided as the date approaches.
- City Council was also introduced to the new Downtown Patrol Unit supervisor, Cpl. Sam Holm.
Community Revitalization Levy Report:
- City Council received a report about Community Revitalization Levies (CRLs) as information.
- CRLs are used by municipalities in Alberta to stimulate urban renewal in specific areas by redirecting property tax revenue increases to fund infrastructure improvements.
- Creating a CRL is a regulated, resource-intensive process. While not feasible at this time, future opportunities may arise with a long-term financial plan and economic strategy.
Long Term Financial Plan Scoping Report:
- City Council received an overview presentation and update regarding the Long Term Financial and Business Systems Plan and will be introduced to the support consultant.
- The update included project scope and process to be followed for Council’s reference and information.
- Read more here:
Elections Bylaw
- City Council approved second and third reading of the Elections Bylaw today. These changes are mainly triggered by the proclamation of Bill 20 on October 31, 2024. Read more details here: City Council Approves Amendments to Election Bylaw
Procedure Bylaw – Committee of the Whole:
- City council passed and approved all three readings of amended Procedure Bylaw (3681/A-2024). This amendment adds Committee of the Whole (COTW) meetings to Council’s schedule providing them with a mechanism to meet in a less structured setting than Council Meetings and ensures compliance with the Municipal Government Act, Freedom of Information and Privacy Act, and Council’s Code of Conduct. The first COTW meeting will take place on February 5, 2025, with monthly meetings taking place regularly throughout the year with the exception of August and December.
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