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Council accepts Red Deer 2050 as a planning document to chart our city’s future

June 24, 2024 2:12 PM
(Red Deer, Alberta)

In an effort to chart our community’s course towards a sustainable and successful future, The City embarked on a consultation process in 2022 to create a community vision.

Through several community conversations, a vision and guiding stars were developed and today they were unveiled to City Council and the community.

“I am excited to share this vision for Red Deer with Council, our organization and the community,” said Tricia Hercina, Business Excellence Manager. “While 2050 seems so far away, we need a beacon of progress and possibility to drive towards – not only as an organization, but as a community. This is that beacon to create a Red Deer that is vibrant and visionary, grounded in connection and growing in diversity.”

The vision statement provides a clear, concise, and inspiring long-term aspirational summary. The statement was developed with the community, for the community’s development and growth. The vision serves as the collective voice of Red Deerians, shaping the trajectory of our city towards the year 2050 and beyond. It serves as a testament to the vibrant tapestry of ideas, aspirations, and concerns woven together through community engagement.

Red Deer’s vision for 2050: Red Deer is vibrant and visionary, grounded in connection and growing in diversity.

“The Guiding Stars for Red Deer are intended to inspire us, to create focus and intention on where Red Deer strives to be in 2050,” said Hercina. “Our community is encouraged to use these guiding stars to navigate our future together.”

The new vision will be a foundational document in supporting the development of The City’s new Official City Plan. The Official City Plan (OCP) guides and directs future growth and development for Red Deer, ensuring orderly, economical, and beneficial development while balancing the environmental, social, and economic needs and desires of the community.

For more information and to read the full report, please visit . 

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