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City Council recap – Monday, May 13

May 13, 2024 8:23 PM
(Red Deer, Alberta)

Councillor Chad Krahn was sworn in during today’s special council meeting.

The Regular City Council Meeting started at 10:30 a.m. with a two-hour closed meeting. The open portion of the Council meeting began at 1 p.m.

Snow and Ice Pilot Program Update

  • City Council received information from administration related to the 2023-2024 Snow and Ice Control Pilot Program.
  • Administration will come back to Council on May 27, 2024, with a report of recommendations for consideration of any future permanent service level changes to Ice and Snow Operations for the seasons of 2024-2025 and beyond.

Permanent Shelter: Request for provincial Expression of Interest (EOI)

  • City Council will formally request a provincial Expression of Interest following today’s City Council meeting.
  • The formal request will come from Mayor Ken Johnston to the Government of Alberta.
  • An EOI will help gauge interest related to potential shelter operators in Red Deer. It will help ensure understanding about options for operators and models in advance of any further site considerations by City Council.
  • As the Government of Alberta is responsible for the provision of shelter, it would be a provincial EOI. Red Deer City Council and administration continue to express their intention to remain committed to the project as outlined in the current Memorandum of Understanding between The City and the Government of Alberta.

Budget Amendment: Recovery Conference Investment in Recovery

  • City Council considered and defeated a request for $50,000 from City administration to execute a Recovery Summit in the fall of 2024, opting instead to request the conference is delayed until the spring of 2025 (by the end of Q1).
  • As part of this resolution, City Council also directed the Office of the Mayor to request the following of the Province of Alberta:
    • An extension to the March 31, 2025, timeframe for utilization of the $70,000 in 2024/25 grant funding to host the Recovery Conference, as outlined in the current agreement between The City and the Province.
    • An additional $50,000 from the Province of Alberta to contract a project manager and facilitate the planning and execution of the event.
  • At this time, the Province has provided $70,000 per year to The City for both 2023/24 and 2024/25, totalling $140,000.

Timber Ridge Middle School Site Evaluation

  • Timber Ridge may be home to a new middle school in the future after City Council approved a request from the Red Deer Public School (RDPS) to approve the site as a potential new middle school site.
  • The request came forward now as it requires Council’s approval for the allocation of capital funding and for the deviation from normal development practices to support the construction of the middle school at the RDPS preferred site.
  • This is just a first step with additional decisions yet to be made at both a municipal and provincial level.
  • This item will come back to City Council for a budgetary ask on May 27. Today’s approval authorizes a deviation in process.
  • This is just a first step with additional decisions yet to be made at both a municipal and provincial level, including but not limited to approval for capital construction.

Utilities Governance

  • City Council directed administration to bring back an administrative recommendation related to what it will take to prepare an implementation strategy to modernize The City utility governance model, including risks, estimated costs and timeline, by the end of Q3, 2024.
  • This decision comes after several closed meetings related to utilities governance took place over the last several months.
  • Administration will come back to City Council in Q3 of 2024 with an open report that provides more information, including an implementation strategy around next steps following City Council’s decision tonight.

Land Use (Zoning) Bylaw (Second and Third Reading)

  • City Council passed second and third reading of the Zoning Bylaw 3357/2024, replacing the former Land Use Bylaw. This wholistic bylaw update has notable updates including more permitted uses in each zone, more gentle density options to provide increased housing options, increased building heights to 12.5m, and greater flexibility for development applications.
  • Four potential amendments will come back to City Council with public hearings scheduled in May and June.

 More details: Council Adopts new Zoning Bylaw

There were also three public hearings at today’s City Council meeting:

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 3357/C-2024

  • City Council passed second and third reading for a Land Use Bylaw amendment proposal to rezone two lots on 59 Avenue from R1A – Residential (Semi-Detached Dwelling) District to R2 – Residential (Medium Density) District and remove the density cap from these two lots.
  • Second and third reading occurred following a public hearing at tonight’s City Council meeting.
  • Administration supported the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendment, which aligns with City policy that encourages intensification of established neighbourhoods through residential and mixed-use infill projects. It also aligns with the Philosophy and Framework of the new Land Use (Zoning) Bylaw by supporting development friendliness by reducing red tape.
  • The proposed amendment supports the development of housing as described in the Community Housing and Homelessness Integrated Plan (CHHIP)and will enable a gentle density increase for the area.

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 3357/F-2024

  • City Council passed second and third reading for a Land Use Bylaw amendment to rezone a portion of a parcel in the Queens Industrial Park and consolidate it with an adjacent lot.
  • This occurred following a public hearing at tonight’s City Council meeting.

Land Use Bylaw Amendment 3357/I-2024 and Capstone Area Redevelopment Plan 3574/A-2024

  • City Council passed second and third reading for a Land Use Bylaw amendment proposal to fast track a rezoning request for a property in Capstone. The site is a corner lot adjacent to Taylor Drive, currently occupied by Carnival Cinemas.
  • This occurred following a public hearing at tonight’s City Council meeting.
  • Administration supported the proposed Land Use Bylaw amendment, which aligns with City policy that encourages infill residential development and supports the Strategic Plan’s Community Health & Wellbeing focus area. The Capstone neighbourhood has capacity for increased density and increased housing is needed to achieve the long-term vision for the community.
  • The rezoning is being fast tracked to facilitate a pending mixed use, residential and commercial development on the site. In May 2023 Council indicated a desire to ‘fast track’ development applications that would increase Red Deer’s housing supply.

For more information, contact:
Community & Public Relations
The City of Red Deer

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