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City Council on the agenda – September 16

September 13, 2024 9:55 AM
(Red Deer, Alberta)

The Monday, September 16 Regular City Council Meeting will start at 10:30 a.m.

The following items are on Council’s agenda:


Support for Councillors Applying to Alberta Municipalities Committees

  • This report is included as a mechanism for City Councillors looking for Council support in applying to the Alberta Municipalities Committee.
  • The Alberta Municipalities Committee refers to various committees established by Alberta Municipalities (formerly the Alberta Urban Municipalities Association, or AUMA). Alberta Municipalities is an advocacy and resource organization that represents cities, towns, villages, and specialized municipalities in Alberta.
  • Committees under this organization focus on different areas affecting municipalities, including policy development, governance, public safety, infrastructure, environmental issues, and municipal finance. These committees are generally composed of elected municipal officials and experts who work together to address specific issues and make recommendations to the Alberta Municipalities' board or directly to the provincial government.

Zoning Bylaw Amendment 3357/SS-2024 Omnibus (First Reading)

  • City administration initiated this omnibus Zoning Bylaw amendment to provide City staff and the public with clear interpretation and increased flexibility in the implementation of the Zoning Bylaw.
  • The proposed omnibus amendment is primarily about improving clarity and consistency in a number of areas, including specificity related to definitions and housekeeping items.


Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services Multi-Municipal Operating Agreement

  • City administration recommends Council approve continuing its commitment to the Red Deer & District FCSS by authorizing administration to sign the Multi-Municipal Operating Agreement.
  • The FCSS Multi-Municipal Agreement forms the basis by which the Red Deer and District FCSS Board functions in partnership between six participating municipalities. The agreement has been developed in cooperation with designated municipal administrators from each community, the FCSS Board and legal advisors. The Agreement outlines the way the partner municipalities work collaboratively and authorizes The City of Red Deer to perform the administrative responsibilities on behalf of the partnership. The Agreement also outlines the methods by which the partner municipalities cost share program development, direct services, and indirect services (funding to partner organizations).

Committee of the Whole

  • Changes to the Procedure Bylaw are recommended, introducing a new tool called Committee of the Whole (COTW), where Council can have informal discussions with administration and each other on topics and policies of interest.
  • Best practice from a governance perspective is for Council to conduct their business through open meetings, however there are a variety of formats Council can utilize to achieve this including a COTW format.
  • COTW could allow Council members to participate in a less structured dialogue.
  • If approved, COTW will be held in an open setting, with the ability for an item to be moved into a closed session when the matter fits within the exemptions set out in the Municipal Government Act (MGA) and the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act. This tool increases public trust through transparent and accountable decision-making.

Utility Governance Review Update

  • After presenting information related to utilities governance in July 2024, administration is now seeking further direction on whether to proceed with investigation of a modernized governance structure and the formation of a Municipally Controlled Corporation in the 2025 budget.
  • This update stems from Council’s resolution in July, which requested administration bring back a recommendation for Council’s consideration including what it will take to prepare an implementation strategy to modernize The City’s utility governance model(s).
  • The purpose of this initial report was to look at options for the future that might help address capacity constraints for both Council and administration, and enhance our ability to be competitive in the industries we work in. The initial focus was on the Electric Utility, but the project has been managed to ensure that all The City’s utility businesses were being considered.
  • The report in front of Council on Monday is to present the findings of the implementation plan overview, and the conceptual budget requirements as directed in the July 22, 2024, resolution.
  • If City Council agrees with the recommendation, a Utilities Governance funding placeholder will be included as part of the 2025 Utility budget going forward this fall.

Urban Encampment Report

  • This report is in response to Councillor Lee’s Notice of Motion re: Urban Encampment Responses that Council approved during the 2024 budget debate at which time Council requested administration bring forward a report on encampments within Red Deer's publicly owned lands, including outcomes and analysis of possible service level changes and the progress of the review of Corporate Administrative Policy 3141C - Urban Encampment Response.
  • This report summarizes administration’s review of the corporate policy and procedure, response data from the past five years and the current capacity and realities of the continuum of housing and related supports.
  • There are actions included in the report including, but not limited to, continued advocacy with the Government of Alberta related to shelter and the creation of a community-led foundation model to generate funds that will see an increased housing supply.
  • More information about this report is available here:

Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee

  • This report recommends the creation of an Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee for the purpose of recommending a path forward and governance model to achieve the vision for economic development in Red Deer.
  • If approved, the committee will advise Council with a report outlining the methodology, learnings, and recommendations for how to achieve vision and desired state of prosperity. Council will use this report to decide on a governance model and path forward including resourcing.
  • More information about this report is available here:
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