Red Deer, Alta. – On June 22, 2023, Red Deer RCMP Crime Reduction Team (CRT) arrested and charged 2 repeat offenders with numerous offences. The investigation spanned multiple jurisdictions and came to conclusion with the assistance from Blackfalds RCMP, Lacombe Police Service, RCMP Air Services, and Police Dog Services.
Red Deer CRT initially located an unoccupied stolen Chevrolet pick-up truck, which became mobile and met with a second stolen vehicle, a Ford pick-up truck. Both stolen vehicles were driving erratically and operating up to 150km/ hour, putting civilians at risk. RCMP Air Services were engaged. The drivers of the vehicles were spotted conducting a break and enter on Township Road 391.
RCMP used operational tactics, a tire deflation device, in an attempt to disengage the vehicles from high rates of speeds. The Chevrolet pick-up was deemed undriveable and was quickly abandoned by the driver. Police Dog services tracked the driver into a neighbouring property, and arrested a male.
Evan Ryan (31), a resident of Red Deer, was charged with the following:
- Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000
- Break and Enter- Commit
- Resist/Obstructing a peace officer
- Failing to comply with a release condition
- Possessing break-in instruments
Ryan was held for a judicial interim release hearing, and was remanded to Alberta Court of Justice in Red Deer on June 27, 2023.
The driver of the stolen Ford pick-up truck was followed by RCMP air services to Lacombe, where he abandoned the vehicle. Red Deer CRT, along with Lacombe Police Services, and RCMP Police Dog Services arrested a second male.
David Gallinger (29), a resident of Red Deer, was charged with the following:
- Break and Enter- commit
- Possession of property obtained by crime over $5000
- Dangerous Operation of a Motor Vehicle
- Resist/ Obstructing a peace officer
- Failing to comply with a release condition X2
- Operation while prohibited
- Possession of a Schedule I substance- methamphetamine
After a judicial interim hearing, Gallinger was remanded to Alberta Court of Justice in Red Deer on June 27, 2023.
Red Deer RCMP would like to extend their appreciation for a multi- agency response, resulting in a successful conclusion without civilian injuries.