Superintendent Holly Glassford hosted her first Chief’s Recognition Event since taking the helm as Red Deer’s Officer in Charge.
On Sept. 21, 2023, volunteers, community members and Red Deer RCMP officers were invited to the downtown detachment’s community room to be recognized by Supt. Glassford for their outstanding service, acts of bravery and dedication to the community.
“This event is an opportunity to recognize the people in our community that are making Red Deer a better place to live,” said Superintendent Glassford.
Recipients included Retired Inspector Don Nielson, Retired Inspector Jay Fulks, and Retired Sergeant Marcel St. Louis from the Red Deer Veterans Association, which were awarded for their volunteer work at the Red Deer RCMP’s 150 Museum, as well as their ongoing support in our community. These volunteers support their members through illness and loss, as well as create opportunities for meaningful connection with their fellow veterans at social gatherings.
The Red Deer RCMP also recognized Ray McBeth for his tremendous work and vision to host the RCMP 150 Regimental Ball in January of 2023. This fundraising event was an opportunity for the community to connect with their local RCMP members as well as celebrate the 150th anniversary of the RCMP in Canada, all while raising money for the Outreach Centre.
Karyn McIntyre was also recognized for her professionalism as a security personnel during Westerner Days. Karyn responded to a motor vehicle collision and assist RCMP in their response, contributing to public safety. Sam Steele’s Scout Cavalry was recognized and thanked for their involvement with celebrating 150 years of the RCMP, by joining us on parade in this summers Westerner Day parade.
Lastly, we took this opportunity to recognize and remember one of our own, and his service with the RCMP. Constable Aaron Zimmerman sadly passed away in January of 2023, while off duty. His Certificate of Service was presented to his family at Thursday’s event.
The Red Deer RCMP are very proud to serve the community of Red Deer, and thanks all those citizens who participate in community life to make Red Deer a safe, and welcoming place to live.