Council Policies
Council policies are Council's instructions to the City Manager and the organization.
Council Policies are Council’s instructions to the City Manager as their sole employee. They set the long-term vision for the organization, establish limitations in which the City Manager can operate in, connect its governance direction to management action, and describe their role and how it fulfills its accountability to the community and itself.
In 2012, Council adopted the Policy Governance Framework which is a comprehensive set of integrated principles designed to enable accountable leadership. The framework enables Council to govern in an efficient and accountable manner by allowing Council to:
Corporate Policies are City Manager directions to City employees. Employees must adhere to directions while performing duties on behalf of The City. They are inward-facing in that they guide the behaviours of the employee. In addition, Policies are the principles that must be applied when making decisions and should apply to one or more department.
Corporate Policies are approved by the City Manager and are maintained by Legal & Legislative Services.
Council policies are Council's instructions to the City Manager and the organization.
Corporate Policies are governing principles and rules that direct The City's practice and operation. They generally answer questions of what, why, and who and are approved by the City Manager.
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