Goal: To improve the quality of our water resources and increase water conservation.
The 2019 Environmental Master Plan (pdf) identifies six focus areas: water, ecology, community design, air, energy and waste. See our progress in each focus area by clicking on the tiles below.
Goal: To improve the quality of our water resources and increase water conservation.
Goal: To decrease the amount of waste going to landfill and increase waste diversion opportunities.
Goal: To reduce energy use and move towards using renewable energy sources.
Goal: To protect and enhance the terrestrial and aquatic health of the natural heritage system.
Goal: To plan and build a well-connected, sustainable community that contributes to a quality of life for residents.
Goal: To improve air quality and reduce emissions.
Much has been accomplished since 2019, including:
Environmental Master Plan At-A-Glance 2024 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan At-A-Glance 2023 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan At-A-Glance 2022 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan At-A-Glance 2021 (pdf)
No report available in 2020, see the 2021 document above
2019 Environmental Master Plan: Report to the Community (pdf)
Our Environment, Our Role 2018 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan 2018 Annual Report: Reporting on Benchmarks, Metrics, and Priority Actions (pdf)
Our Environment, Our Role 2017 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan 2017 Annual Report: Reporting on Benchmarks, Metrics, and Priority Actions (pdf)
Our Environment, Our Role 2016 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan 2016 Annual Report: Reporting on Benchmarks, Metrics, and Priority Actions (pdf)
Our Environment, Our Role 2015 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan 2015 Annual Report: Reporting on Benchmarks, Metrics, and Targets (pdf)
Our Environment, Our Role 2014 (pdf)
Environmental Master Plan 2014 Annual Report: Reporting on Benchmarks, Metrics, and Priority Actions (pdf)
Our Environment, Our Role (pdf)
2013 Results on Environmental Master Plan progress (pdf)