If you experience connection issues when using HotSpot, we suggest turning off ShawOpen wifi on your phone while you set up your parking session. Remember to turn it back on when your transaction is complete.

New Downtown Parking System
Downtown Red Deer has a new parking system!

Monthly Parking
Monthly parking lot locations, rates and availability.

Short Term Parking
Short term parking rates and locations

Received a Ticket?
Got a parking ticket? Find out how to pay your ticket, how to appeal your ticket or how to contact us to ask questions.

Downtown Parking Map
View an interactive map of parking in downtown Red Deer.

Parking Resources for Businesses
Are you a downtown business owner? Find printables and resources to help your staff and customers park downtown.

Parking Partners
Learn how to help your customers with their parking.

Parking FAQs
Find answers to many parking related questions.

Veteran's Parking
Learn about complimentary parking for Veteran licence plate holders.