Zoning Bylaw (Land Use Bylaw)

On Monday, May 13, 2024, Red Deer City Council adopted the new Zoning Bylaw 3357/2024. The Zoning Bylaw 3357/2024 in now in force.

Zoning Bylaw 3357/2024 (pdf)
Appendix A: Zoning Maps
Appendix B: Small Quantity Exemptions for Dangerous Goods (pdf)
Appendix C: Waskasoo Character Statements (pdf)
Appendix D: Woodlea Character Statements (pdf)
Zoning Conversion Chart (pdf)

Every municipality in Alberta is required to have a Zoning (Land Use) Bylaw as per the requirements in the Municipal Government Act. The Zoning Bylaw establishes rules and regulations for land development as well as the process of making decisions for development permit applications within the City of Red Deer.

The Zoning Bylaw includes zones (land use districts) such as the R-L – Residential Low Density Zone, the C-4 – Major Arterial Commercial Zone, or the I1 - Industrial Business Service Zone, in order to separate residential, commercial, and industrial land development and regulate specific land uses and buildings.

Each land use zone has certain land uses that are permitted outright, others are conditional upon approval, and some are prohibited. Examples of land uses include a detached dwelling, merchandise sale, a restaurant or manufacturing.

A Zoning Bylaw is made up of text and maps; the text sets forth the regulations for each zone and the maps show what land use district (zone) applies to each parcel of land.

Red Deer’s original Land Use Bylaw was adopted in August 1978 (2588/78). It has since been repealed in 1980, 1996, and 2006. The most current version is the Zoning Bylaw 3357/2024.

Learn about Zoning Bylaw Basics and read the Frequently Asked Questions.


The Zoning Bylaw includes maps which outline the land use district (zone) for each parcel of land within the City of Red Deer.

The land use district (zone) for each parcel of land has also been extracted and incorporated into the Web Map. Please refer to the Web Map Tutorial (pdf)  for instructions on how to determine the land use district (zone) for a parcel of land. 

Please click for more information on Zoning Bylaw Amendments or the Zoning Bylaw Amendment Process

Related Links

Zoning Bylaw Amendment Process
Zoning Bylaw Maps