Spring program registration is now open.
xCity Departments
Below you will find an alphabetical listing of our City departments and their contact information. Click on the department name to view the information.

Organizational Chart
View the Organizational Chart for The City of Red Deer.
Chief of Staff
The Chief of Staff provides professional executive advice, corporate guidance and support to the Mayor.
City Planning & Growth
The Planning department works with Council’s approved policy documents and Provincial and Federal regulations to help shape how Red Deer looks and feels.
Community & Public Relations
Community & Public Relations is the voice of the organization, as we keep our community in the loop on City services, programs, facilities, and events.
CSV Business Excellence
The CSV Business Excellence department supports all departments within the Community Services division to achieve business excellence goals through leveraging knowledge, resources and skills.
Emergency Services
Red Deer Emergency Services provides fire, ambulance and emergency preparedness for the citizens of Red Deer.
Engineering Services
Plan for and manage the provision of safe, sustainable and effective transportation, water distribution, wastewater collection and storm drainage systems.
Financial Services / CFO
By providing financial and purchasing services including the development of corporate financial processes, policies and procedures, and the setting of financial management standards, the department seeks to reduce financial risks to The City.
Human Resources
We provide expertise and support for staff in: Recruitment; Labour & Employee Relations; Compensation; Pension & Benefits; Payroll; Safety & Occupational Health; HRIS; Diversity & Inclusion; HR Policy; Learning & Development.
Information & Technology Services
We provide information management, systems, and technology solutions to deliver effective and efficient municipal programs and services.
Inspections & Licensing
We ensure proper construction of residential and non-residential buildings through permits and building inspections, issue a range of licenses from businesses to dogs, administer parking, and enforce the Land Use and Community Standards Bylaw.
Land & Economic Development
The department of Land & Economic Development is a resource to businesses in Red Deer. Our number one goal is to support business growth.
Legal & Legislative Services
Legal & Legislative Services is the link between City Council, administration and the community.
Office of the City Manager
The Office of City Manager leads the organization in a number of capacities and provides the link between City Council and other levels of government, the community, and administration.
Municipal Policing Services
Municipal Policing works out of the north and south RCMP detachments. A number of specialized units focus on traffic, major crimes, domestic violence and fraud, as well as general duty police officers, who are first responders to most incidents.
Parks & Public Works
The Parks and Public Works department provides exceptional service to all high public use lands: roads, trails, sidewalks, plaza’s and parks.
Revenue & Assessment Services
With pride and integrity we deliver quality revenue and assessment services for the sustainability of our community.
Safe & Healthy Communities
The Safe & Healthy Communities department enhances the quality of life and social well-being of Red Deer citizens.
Transit & Fleet
This department is home to our transportation network operations for conventional and action bus, with the functional areas of Fleet and Garage Services and Materiel Management.
This Department combines water treatment and distribution, collection and treatment of wastewater, collection and disposal of solid waste, and collection of storm water runoff, with the operations of the Electric Light and Power Department.