Strategic Plan

The City’s Strategic Plan guides us along a path and provides focus and purpose to all that we do. It is our most important plan as it shapes our organization, the municipal programs and services we provide to the citizens of Red Deer.

Strategic Metrics Dashboard

At The City of Red Deer, we understand the importance of data driven decisions and transparency. Our Strategic Metrics Dashboard provides comprehensive insights into The City of Red Deer’s progress towards the 2023-2026 Strategic Plan

The dashboard is organized by focus area (Thriving City, Community Health & Wellbeing and Engaged & Connected City). Within each of these focus areas, there are outcomes and associated indicators. This is about showing our progress toward achieving the objectives in Council's Strategic Plan (see below).

View the Strategic Metrics Dashboard

2023-2026 Strategic Plan  

Innovative Thinking. Strategic Results. Vibrant Community.

Guiding Principles:

  • Respect
  • New ways of doing
  • Future focused
  • Citizen-centric
  • Financial Sustainability

Council’s Strategic Plan is divided into three key focus areas: Thriving City, Community Health & Wellbeing and Connected & Engaged City. These focus areas contain aspirational goals and outcomes to be achieved by 2026.

Thriving City

A thriving local economy, driven by a healthy business community and vibrant downtown is paramount, while continuing to protect and enhance the environment.

Why does it matter?

Red Deer is a thriving city for all. The city is affordable, with a resilient economy that supports local business, while attracting new investment, aided by a business-friendly City Hall.

Downtown is vibrant and many modes of transportation are used throughout the community to connect citizens to and from the city’s core.

Red Deer is growing while also protecting natural spaces, places and the environmental future. The City ensures a sustainable future by implementing and supporting innovative business practices and taking concrete action to ensure climate resiliency.


  • Downtown is vibrant and enjoyable
  • Local economy is strong and diverse
  • Environmentally committed community
  • Proactively-managed public infrastructure
  • Financially responsible
  • Digitally advancing City
  • Workforce is healthy, equipped and competitive
Community Health and Wellbeing

Red Deerians cherish the spaces, places and year-round experiences Red Deer offers to promote physical, mental, and social wellbeing. The community is proud of the welcoming and inclusive city Red Deerians call home.

Why does it matter?

Red Deer is safe and clean, with collaborative efforts to improve community wellness. Citizens have a sense of belonging, community pride and neighbourliness. Red Deer is a welcoming, inclusive city that celebrates diversity. The City is committed to reconciliation and honours and respects Indigenous Peoples’ culture and history.

In all four seasons, the people of Red Deer love to get outside and explore the city’s incredible trail system, parks, and green spaces. Citizens have access to extraordinary outdoor and indoor places and spaces to recreate, benefiting the physical, social and mental health of individuals and families in our community.

Red Deerians participate in year-round festivals and events that encourage tourism and destination development. Red Deer is the central hub of Alberta, and downtown is a community for entertainment, arts, culture, shopping, dining, residents, and connecting with people and places in our city.


  • Collaborative response to social challenges that considers all
  • Inclusive community
  • Safe and secure city
  • Great spaces and places
  • Involved people and communities
Engaged and Connected City

Council engages with citizens in ways that build strong, respectful, and collaborative relationships. Citizens feel valued and included in decisions about their city.

Why does it matter?

Citizens have a positive impact on decisions, leading to responsive choices by City Council. Connecting and engaging with the community is important to City Council.

Transparent and accountable decision-making is at the core of what The City does. At times, making the right decision will mean things may need to be done differently. Lasting and meaningful relationships are made between Council, administration, other orders of government, community agencies, organizations and citizens.

Respect is shown among Council and the citizens served. This connection with local municipal government also gives Red Deerians a sense of belonging.


  • Strong relationships and public trust
  • Committed to positive customer experience
  • Decisions are data informed