Shelter in Place
What do you do if there's a chemical release or spill? All emergencies situations are different. The response to events will vary based on the type of chemical, size of the spill, location, time of day, weather and wind direction. You may be directed to Shelter in Place or Evacuate.

Is there a hazardous risk to the outdoor air? In less than a minute, learn what to do if you’re directed to Shelter in Place:
These are the steps:
- Go inside immediately or stay inside.
- Close all windows and exterior doors.
- Turn off all fans, heating and air-conditioning systems to avoid drawing in air from the outside.
- Wait for further direction (see methods below).
Additional steps if time allows:
- Close the fireplace damper.
- Seal windows and doors and any vents into the room with tape or plastic.
- Get your emergency kit.
- Go to an interior room at or above ground level (if possible, one without windows). Some chemicals are heavier than air.
Always listen for and follow official direction. The City of Red Deer is committed to ensuring timely, accurate information for residents during real and/or imminent emergency situations. We can use any combination of methods to reach the public in an emergency:
- Local Radio Stations
- Facebook and Twitter
- Door-to-Door
- Loud Speaker/Bullhorn Announcements by First Responders
- Mobile Signage