Animals and Wildlife

Alberta Animal Services
Alberta Animals Services provides all animal related services in Red Deer, including enforcement of The City’s Dog Bylaw 3429/2009 (pdf). This bylaw allows Alberta Animal Services to work with the citizens of Red Deer to ensure that cats, dogs, their owners and neighbours live together in safety and harmony.
Concerns about domestic animals (cats or dogs)
- Barking dogs
- Aggressive dogs
- Lost, injured or stray animals
- Removal of deceased animals
Contact Alberta Animals Services at 403-347-2388 or to register concerns, please use the following form: Alberta Animal Services – Animal Complaint Form
Dog Licenses
All dog owners in The City of Red Deer must purchase a dog license. Licenses must be renewed annually and are effective from January 1 to December 31. Residents must be at least 18 years old to purchase or renew a dog license.
More information can be found here:
Community Standards - Livestock in Residential Locations
The Community Standards Bylaw 3669/2021 has provisions to regulate animals that would be considered livestock in the City of Red Deer.
Unless authorized by another bylaw, no owner or occupant shall allow Livestock animals on any site in residential districts.
"Livestock" includes, but is not limited to:
- a horse, mule, ass, swine, emu, ostrich, camel, llama, alpaca, sheep or goat;
- domestically reared or kept deer, reindeer, moose, elk, or bison;
- farm bred fur bearing animals including foxes or mink;
- animals of the bovine species;
- animals of the avian species including turkeys, ducks, geese, or pheasants; and
- all other animals kept for agricultural purposes,
but does not include cats, dogs, other domesticated household pets, or chickens.
Living with Wildlife
Red Deer is filled with a wealth of plant and animal diversity. Wildlife add to the quality of life that Albertans enjoy and also act as an important indicator of the health of Alberta's environment.
Concerns about wildlife
- Contact Alberta Environment and Parks - Fish and Wildlife at 403-340-7052.
- After-hours contact Report A Poacher (RAP) hotline toll-free at 1-800-642-3800.