
Driveway Crossing Application

The Engineering Services department controls access from public/private property onto City streets. When property owners wish to change or add an access to their site, they must submit a site drawing (for approval) showing locations of the proposed driveway crossings. Once approved, an application for a Driveway Crossing Permit is completed and sent to our Public Works Roads Section for construction. Property owners are responsible for the cost associated with the construction of the driveway crossing.

There is no fee for requesting an estimate. Once the application is reviewed and approved, the Driveway Crossing Permit fee is $150. * Fee may be increased on January 1 of each year by the change in the Alberta average consumer price index.

Applications can be initiated over the phone at 403-342-8158 or by emailing Engineering Services at

For further information, please refer to The City of Red Deer Curb, Sidewalk and Driveway Crossing Policy (pdf)

Capital Sidewalk Construction Program

The Capital Sidewalk Program was initiated in 1998 and is intended to provide funding to install sidewalks in high priority areas.

Criteria for consideration under this Program includes, safety concerns, pedestrian volumes, road classifications and alternate walking surfaces.

Curb Ramps

Curb ramps are installed at all intersections in new subdivisions. In older areas, curb ramps are installed only if the sidewalk requires replacement as a priority under the Capital Sidewalk Program.

Contact the Engineering Services department for further information.

Maintenance Work

The Public Works department looks after all maintenance of sidewalks.

Curb Ramp

Sidewalk Construction

Curb ramp Sidewalk construction