Kick it to the Curb

Kick it to the Curb is on the third full weekend of every month from May through October.
What is Kick it to the Curb?
Kick it to the Curb is a city-wide event to help Red Deerians reduce and reuse. Place your unwanted but usable items at the front of your property marked with a ‘FREE’ sign. Then explore curbsides around the city to find new-to-you treasures that are marked with a ‘FREE’ sign.
When is Kick it to the Curb?
Kick it to the Curb is held the third full weekend of the month from May through October. The 2025 dates are:
- May 17-19
- June 21-22
- July 19-20
- August 16-17
- September 20-21
- October 18-19
How Kick it to the Curb works:
Health Canada advises you to be aware of the potential risks of acquiring second-hand items. Learn more about what items to avoid, such as car seats, helmets, and some toys.
Giving items away
- Place unwanted, sanitized items at the front of your property.
- Mark items with the word "FREE" using masking tape, stickers, or FREE tags (pdf) .
- Ensure anything you want to keep is well away from your give-away items.
- 'Advertise' your items on social media using #RDKickIt
- At the end of the weekend bring any uncollected items back into your home. They can be donated to a charity such as Habitat for Humanity, sold or given away on websites such as Kijiji and Freecycle.
Taking items
- Take only the items at the curb marked "FREE".
- Respect property; don't walk or drive on lawns or gardens.
- Don't discard items on another property.
- Sanitize items before bringing them into your home.
Trash to Treasure Swap Meet
Kerry Wood Nature Centre hosts a Trash to Treasure Swap Meet on the same weekends as Kick it to the Curb. On these weekends take your small, usable items to Kerry Wood Nature Centre and browse for new-to-you treasures. The May - August Swap Meets run from 10 a.m. - 8 p.m. except Monday May 20 which runs from 1 p.m. - 8 p.m. The September - October events run from 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. No large pieces of furniture, please. Contact Waskasoo Environmental Education Society for more information.
The contents of this web page and other information provided by The City about Kick it to the Curb giveaway weekend is intended as helpful advice; they are not legally binding. Participants are responsible for the goods they are giving away and the goods they are acquiring. The City of Red Deer does not accept any liability for any actions taken by participants in the giveaway weekends or for the type or quality of goods being given away or acquired as part of the giveaway weekends.
Environmental Services