Unpaid Taxes Information

2025 Tax Sale Public Auction

Date: April 3, 2025
Time: 11 a.m.
Location: City Hall, 4914 48 Ave, Wapiti Meeting Room

Tax Recovery Process

As a result of unpaid taxes of over a year, a tax recovery notification or lien is registered on the property. The City of Red Deer is able to recover uncollected property taxes by holding a public auction for "non-compliant" owners. The public auction is held with a reserve bid at fair market value. 

Review the list of remaining properties on the 2025 City of Red Deer Public Auction Listing (pdf)

Current Taxes
(Taxes that have been imposed in the current calendar year)
July 1 7%
September 1 7%
Total 14%
Tax Arrears
(Taxes that remain unpaid from prior years in which they were imposed)
January 1 7%
July 1 7%
Total 14%

It is your responsibility to ensure your payment is processed by the appropriate due date. Be aware of your financial institution's processing times if using internet or telephone banking.

Property Tax Arrears Process

What is a Property Tax Sale?

In accordance with the Municipal Government Act, Chapter M-26 RSA 2000, Part 10, Division 8 the City of Red Deer holds a public auction for properties that have a tax recovery notification or lien registered against it. The notification or lien is a result of unpaid taxes for more than one year. The tax sale is an effort to recover unpaid property tax. 

The properties offered for sale have a reserve bid representing fair market value. The City has contracted the services of an independent appraiser to determine the reserve bids on each property.

Prior to the property tax sale date, the City follows an extensive notification process. Properties are only placed up for public auction if their property taxes are in arrears for more than one year.

How do I remove my property from the Tax Sale?

If your property is included on the 2025 City of Red Deer Public Auction Listing (pdf), you must pay the outstanding tax arrears on your property tax account, before the auction date to be removed from the sale.

Tax notifications and or liens will only be discharged once the tax arrears have been paid in full.

How do I purchase a property at the Tax Sale?
Step 1. 
  • Review the list of remaining properties on the 2025 City of Red Deer Public Auction Listing (pdf).
  • A list of properties will be advertised in the Alberta Gazette on the last day of February.
  • The current year's public auction listing will be available 30 days prior to the tax sale auction and is updated daily to remove properties that are no longer for sale.
  • Any remaining properties will be advertised in the Red Deer Advocate 10 to 20 days prior to the tax sale auction.
Step 2. Review the Terms and Conditions (pdf) of the sale.
Step 3. Review the 2025 City of Red Deer Public Auction Listing (pdf) on the morning of the auction.

If the property you are intending to purchase is still available, attend the auction to bid on the property.

The auctioneer will explain the bidding process and the terms and conditions. The City's lawyer will be available to discuss the legalities of the process with the successful bidders.

All properties listed for public auction are privately owned. Please respect the owner and/or occupants privacy.

What are the Tax Sale timelines?

January (year prior to tax sale) - Tax notification is registered on the property at the Alberta Land Titles Office or a Tax Recovery Lien is registered at the Registry Office against the Designated Manufactured Home.

December - Property is sent for an independent appraisal. All associated costs are charged to the property tax account. 

January - February (tax sale year) - The property will be advertised for Property Tax Sale in the Alberta Gazette.

February - Property tax sale reserve bids are set by City Council.

March - Property tax sale packages are ready for the public.

March - The properties available for property tax sale via public auction are advertised in the Red Deer Advocate.

April - Property tax sale public auction.

Please note: All costs associated with tax recovery and tax sale are charged to the associated property tax account.