Fleet and Material Management

Fleet Overview
Our Fleet department acquires, maintains and disposes vehicles and equipment that City departments use in carrying out their mandate. Fleet maintenance is carried out at the Civic Garage and by third party contractors.
Acquisition of Fleet Units
Our Fleet department acquires vehicles and equipment through an open bidding process. Acquisitions greater than $75,000 are completed through a tender or request for proposal and they are advertised on Alberta Purchasing Connection. Acquisitions less than $75,000 are completed by obtaining 3 quotes from distributors.
Disposal of Fleet Units
In compliance with City policy, all Fleet vehicles and equipment are sent to auction. Our current supplier of auction services is Osman Auctions Inc. located in Edmonton.
Greening the Fleet Study
Our Fleet department has commissioned a consultant to study and recommend a fiscally balanced and economically reasonable strategy and roadmap for the future greening of the fleet. Recommendations arising from the report will be available soon.
Anti-Idling Policy
The City of Red Deer has taken a leadership role by introducing a corporate Anti-Idling policy for City owned fleet vehicles. This initiative is supported by Natural Resources Canada, and went into effect in January, 2009.
This policy applies only to City of Red Deer fleet vehicles and not vehicles owned by the public or privately owned vehicles driven by City of Red Deer employees.
This policy is intended to improve air quality for residents, lower emissions produced by City vehicles and reduce City operation expenses.
The policy states that City vehicles are not to be left running when the operator is absent from the vehicle; City vehicles are not permitted to idle more than 3 to 5 minutes unless exempted; City vehicles are not permitted to idle near building intakes, school grounds, or groups of people; and block heaters with timers will be installed when possible as an alternative for vehicles not garaged in heated buildings.
Emergency Services vehicles and other City vehicles may idle at the scene of emergency or other non-emergency situations in order to perform the job at hand. A good example is a Transit bus idling in extreme heat or cold to maintain a reasonable compartment temperature of 18 degrees C.
For more information you can view the Anti-Idling Policy (pdf)
Material Management
Our Material Management department acquires the materials that City departments require to conduct work.
For more information, contact the Parks & Public Works department.