Ecosystem Health & Management

Learn how The City manages plants and wildlife to keep us all healthy.

Animals and Wildlife deer photo

Living with Wildlife

Wildlife add to the quality of life that Albertans enjoy and also act as an important indicator of the health of Alberta's environment.

Goat tile 350 x 200

Goats & Weeds

The City of Red Deer Parks section is using goats as a tool to manage invasive weed species, including Canada thistle, in our parks and green spaces.

Fall Tree Tile Size 3

Ecological Management System

The Ecological Management System (EMS) is a database/mapping inventory system. The program has been in development since the early 1990s. There are over 30,000 ecological items inventoried through the EMS.

Photo of the weed, Canada Thistle

Integrated Pest Management

Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is a systematic approach to managing detrimental organisms in natural systems. It aims to maintain pests at tolerable levels using a variety of techniques and strategies.



The City has a Cosmetic Pesticide Use Policy that guides when and where we spray pesticides.

Photo of Dames Rocket weed


Weeds, or invasive plants, exhibit an overwhelming ability to spread and reproduce. Hundreds of thousands of seeds can be produced by one flower per season.


Mosquito Control

The mosquito control program reduces the mosquito population to a tolerable level.

Blue Green Algae

Blue Green Algae

To protect yourself and your pets, avoid contact with blue-green algae blooms.