Signs and Pavement Markings
Like all other major jurisdictions, Red Deer follows the Canadian national standard to provide uniform traffic signs and pavement markings for improved safety and motorist's guidance. Regardless of what types of traffic control signs are installed, citizens are most interested in the safety and effective use of several traffic control types. However, unwarranted installations could deteriorate safety. The following sections will provide information on these types of traffic control.
Pavement Markings
Pavement markings throughout the city are administered through the Engineering Services department Traffic Section 403-342-8366. The upkeep of the painted pavement markings is completed each year as part of the Parks & Public Works annual painting program.
Inlaid or sprayed durable pavement marking materials are installed mostly on arterial roadways. After the service life of the durable materials, the markings are maintained by the Parks & Public Works department.
To inquire about or request pavement markings, please contact the Engineering Services department Traffic Section at 403-342-8366.
Traffic Signs
To report a traffic sign that has been knocked down or is missing, please contact the Parks & Public Works department.
If a traffic sign is blocked by an overhanging branch or obstruction, please contact the Engineering Services department Customer Service Section at 403-342-8161.
Providing safe crossing control and protection for pedestrians is complex and challenging. Crossings may consist of regulatory signs, warning signs, pavement markings or traffic signals. To request a pedestrian crossing, please contact the Engineering Services department Traffic Section.
School Zones
School Zones are marked with fluorescent yellow signs. On any day on which school is held, the speed limit within a School Zone is 30 km/hr is in effect from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Playground Zones
Playground Zones are marked with fluorescent yellow signs. The speed within Playground Zones is 30 km/hr and is in effect from 7:00 a.m. to 9 p.m. every day.
Disabled Parking Zones
Residential on-street disabled parking zones are marked with a Parking Prohibited Except Disabled sign.
In the Central Business District, disabled parking zones are indicated by the following:
- A Parking Prohibited Except Disabled Sign
- A pavement marking in the middle of the parking area indicating Access for the Disabled.
- Blue paint on the curb.
Please note that only locations that meet the requirements set out in ‘Council Policy 6107-C Handicapped Parking Zones – Residential Areas’ are eligible for review. This policy can be viewed here: 6107 - C Handicap Parking Zones Residential (pdf)
Please contact the Engineering Services Department Traffic Section at 403-342-8366 if you meet the criteria for a disabled parking zone sign.