Apply to a Council Committee

Help Shape our City

Council committees play an essential advisory role, supporting Council with valuable insights across various sectors in our community. These committees, commissions, and boards are formed under the Municipal Government Act and municipal bylaws to serve the needs of Red Deer.

All committee positions for this year have been successfully filled, with the exception of a vacancy on the Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee. For more information on this opportunity, please refer to the committee’s section.

If you have any questions about volunteering with a council committee, feel free to reach out to us at

Thank you to everyone who applied and contributed to the success of this year’s recruitment process.

Council Committees

Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee


A sustainable and strong governance model based on reviewing different options and best practices and a transition plan to that model.


Ten (10) vacancies:

  • 2 representatives from Arts, Sport and Culture Community
  • 2 representatives from Large Industry (broad and national scale)
  • 2 representatives from Small industry
  • 2 representatives with startup experience
  • 2 representatives from Finance and Venture Capital Industry


Meetings occur when called. There will be one or two meetings per month, anticipated to be 6 hours a month.

Ad Hoc Committee Terms of References:

Term of References - Ad Hoc Economic Development Committee (pdf)

Apply: (the application period is from September 23, 2024 to October 7, 2024)

Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Audit Committee


The Audit Committee assists Council in the discharge of its oversight responsibilities by overseeing the organizations operations through the monitoring of financial reporting, internal control, enterprise risk management processes and any other matter referred by Council.


  • up to two years


  • 2 citizen representatives


  • Audit Committee meets once monthly, as required

Terms of Reference:


Apply Now

Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee


The purpose of the Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee is to positively contribute to the Housing Goal of The City’s Social Policy Framework “Safe, accessible and affordable housing is available to all and everyone is appropriately housed”.


12 - 14 members, including two Council representatives, as outlined in the Terms of Reference

Preferred Committee Experience / Competencies:

  • Committee meeting experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of homelessness
  • Knowledge of social programs on affordable housing and/or community plans to end homelessness 


There are currently no vacancies.


Staggered - 1 - 2 year term

Meeting held:

The 4th Tuesday of the month at 5 p.m. (as required)

Collaborative Community Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee Terms of Reference:

2021 - Housing and Homelessness Integration Committee Terms of Reference (pdf)

Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board


The Board hears appeals from subdivision and development permit decisions made under the provisions of the Intermunicipal Development Plan with the City's Growth Area. 


Staggered - three year term.


There are currently no vacancies on this Board.

Preferred Knowledge/Competencies:

  • Previous Board / Committee experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Intermunicipal Subdivision & Development Appeal Board
  • Legal experience
  • Quasi-judicial or administrative tribunal experience
  • Land use experience


As required with variable start times and durations.

Bylaw 3408/2008 - Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board (pdf)
Bylaw 3408/2008 - Intermunicipal Subdivision and Development Appeal Board Map (pdf)


Thank you for your interest in serving on this board. Applications are currently closed.

Mayor's Recognition Awards Committee


Recognizing individual(s), group(s), or team(s) whose actions have brought honour and recognition to the city of Red Deer.


Staggered - two or three year term


There are currently no vacancies on this Committee.


Meetings occur when called. There will be two or three meetings per year in March - April at 5:30 p.m., 1 - 2 hours in length.

Mayor's Recognition Awards Committee Terms of Reference (pdf)


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Municipal Planning Commission (MPC)


Acts as an authority in all matters assigned under the Land Use Bylaw, Council or by the Development Officer.

Preferred Knowledge / Competencies:

  • Previous Board / Committee experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of the Municipal Planning Commission
  • Knowledge of Red Deer communities, neighbourhoods, subdivisions
  • Knowledge of land use, design, planning, and / or development
  • Experience with reviewing applications


There are currently no vacancies on this Commission.


2 year term


Meetings are held every Wednesday (as required) at 9 a.m. for up to two hours.

Municipal Planning Commission Terms of Reference (pdf)  
3576-2016 - Committees Bylaw (pdf)


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Public Art Commission


Provides expert input and community input on public art for the City of Red Deer.


2 year term

Preferred Knowledge / Competencies:

  • Previous Board / Committee experience
  • Understanding of the Public Art Commission
  • Knowledgeable about art


There are currently no vacancies on this Commission.


The second Wednesday of the month at 5 p.m., as required.

3576-2016 - Committees Bylaw (pdf)

Public Art Commission Terms of Reference (pdf)


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Red Deer Tribunals


Hears appeals related to some of the bylaws created by The City of Red Deer.


Three year term


There are currently no vacancies on Red Deer Tribunals.


Meetings are held as needed during the day or evening. Training will be provided and is mandatory. Meeting duration depends on the number of appeals filed.

Red Deer Tribunals Information:

2022 - Red Deer Tribunals Information sheet (pdf)

Red Deer Tribunal Bylaw (pdf)


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Red Deer Subdivision & Development Appeal Board

Please refer to information on Red Deer Tribunals

Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services

The Red Deer & District Family and Community Support Services Board requires one Citizen Representative be appointed to the FCSS Finance Committee, a subcommittee of the FCSS Board. The time commitment for the subcommittee is over and above the hours indicated for board meetings. 


Supporting community programs that help to accomplish the vision of: empowered individuals, healthy families, and caring communities.

Preferred Knowledge / Competencies:

  • Previous Board / Committee experience
  • Knowledge and understanding of social agencies and social programs
  • Knowledge of government funding
  • Knowledge of the city of Red Deer and its communities


Two year term


There are currently no vacancies on this Board.


Held on the first Tuesday of the month (as required) at 5 p.m., for 2 - 3 hours.

Red Deer & District Family & Community Support Services Board information (pdf)


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Community Committees

Central Alberta Economic Partnership – Business Representative


Central Alberta Economic Partnership works to empower it’s communities to advance sustainable regional economic development. The City of Red Deer appoints a Business Representative to represent the city on behalf of the business community.

Board Member Attributes:

  • Active member of Red Deer’s business community
  • Understanding of Red Deer’s business community and it’s needs
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills

Member Responsibilities

  • Members are expected to promote regional economic development in Central Alberta;
  • Members are expected to educate themselves on the mission, vision, goals, and priorities of the Association;
  • Members are expected to attend the Annual General Meeting; and
  • Each member is expected to read the Annual Business Plan and Strategic Plan.


3 year term


There are currently no vacancies on the Central Alberta Economic Partnership .


  • Required to attend the Annual General Meeting (June) and Fall General Meeting (November) and would be invited to two Engagement Sessions each year.
  • The Business Rep can choose to run for the Board of Directors. If successful you would need to attend 4 additional meetings and a planning session each year.


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Library Board


The Library Board is an autonomous legal entity governed by the Alberta Libraries Act, which speaks and has authority for the library. It is responsible for the management, regulation and control of the library. This involves the setting of policy, identification of the community's needs, development of long and short-term plans, promotion of the library in the community, and the establishment of an annual budget.


Staggered - three year term


One (1) vacancy


Board Meeting: Last Wednesday of each month (except July, August and December), at 6:30 p.m., for approximately two hours; and one of two sub-committee meetings monthly. Sub-Committee meeting times are determined by the Board in consultation with members.

Library Board Information: 


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

Red Deer Regional Airport Board


General management of the Red Deer Regional Airport Authority.


Staggered - four year term


Two (2) vacancies


Monthly, on the third Thursday of the month (except July and August) at 4:30 p.m. for two hours

Requirements for the Red Deer Regional Airport Authority Board (pdf)


Thank you for your interest. Applications are now closed.

River Bend Golf & Recreation Society (Red Deer)


Oversees operations of the River Bend Golf and Recreation Area, including budgeting and disbursing of approved funds


Staggered - 3 year term

Information and Preferred Knowledge / Competencies:

2022 - River Bend Board Information (pdf)


Three (3) vacancies 


Monthly, on the third Tuesday of the month, at 5:15 p.m. for approximately two hours, and committee meetings held four times per year. 


Apply Online

River Bend Golf & Recreation Society Application (pdf)