Regional Collaboration Committee

Representation & Meetings
The RCC agenda is set by the mayors with support from their CAOs. The Committee is jointly chaired by both Mayors;
- City Mayor Ken Johnston and
- County Mayor Jim Wood.
The committee is also composed of two councillors from each municipality. The current sitting members include:
- Councillor Lawrence Lee (City of Red Deer)
- Councillor Dianne Wyntjes (City of Red Deer)
- Councillor Philip Massier (Red Deer County, Division 1)
- Councillor Lonny Kennett (Red Deer County, Division 2)
The RCC, a council committee that has thrived, is a source of celebration for our municipalities. It continues to meet on a monthly basis, ensuring that all topics of joint municipal interest are thoroughly discussed. This regular engagement underscores our commitment to exploring new ways to collaborate for the benefit of our region.
Terms of Reference
The RCC is a forum to discuss issues and opportunities that impact both municipalities. The intent is for the committee to develop recommendations for collaboration efforts that support equitable regional partnership. RCC is a recommendation-making committee for both Councils that maintains their decision-making authority. The RCC operates under the committee's Terms of Reference (TOR): Regional Collaboration Committee Terms of Reference (pdf)
The RCC has discussed and considered the following topics over the last several years:
Airport | Policing |
Alternative Energy | Provincial Advocacy |
Annexation | Recreation Agreements |
Archives | Red Deer Regional Hospital |
Community Advocacy | Regional Assessment Review Services |
Community Funding Requests | Trails |
Crime & Social Disorder | Tourism |
Cultural Facilities | Transit Services (Regional & Intermunicipal) |
Emergency Services | Transportation (Intermunicipal) |
Family & Community Support Services (FCSS) | Waste Management Facilities |
Economic Development & Joint Economic Development | Water Services |
Intermunicipal Collaboration Framework (ICF) | Water Resources |
Intermunicipal Development Plan (IDP) | Wastewater Services |
Libraries | Westerner Park |
RCC Highlighted Projects
Intermunicipal Development Plan
The City of Red Deer and Red Deer County have long had a joint Intermunicipal Development Plan. The current IDP was adopted in 2007 and is due to be updated.
The RCC has been working through the development of a new IDP that has a renewed foundation of a shared vision, goals, and principles. The new IDP policies prioritize collaboration while respecting each municipality's autonomy, individual culture, character, and development preferences. The new IDP reaffirms the municipalities' commitment to providing citizens with a good quality of life.
The RCC has developed a working draft of the new IDP, which will undergo public consultation in the coming month.
Northern and Regional Economic Development (NRED) Grant
The City of Red Deer and Red Deer County have received a provincial NRED grant. These funds will be used to develop two interrelated studies
- A regional growth and economic development strategy will identify lands and business types suitable for joint economic development.
- A joint regional transportation and infrastructure plan will inform suitable sites for joint economic development and outline a future regional transportation network.
These interrelated studies will support growth that provides long-term sustainability to both municipalities and benefit additional municipalities and counties within central Alberta. This work would allow The City of Red Deer and Red Deer County several goals outlined in the draft IDP, including coordinating the provision of infrastructure and services across our jurisdictional boundaries, attracting new businesses and residents to the region, and being innovative and future-ready.
Red Deer Regional Airport
The airport is located south of Red Deer in Red Deer County, Springbrook. The airport is run by the Red Deer Regional Airport Authority and supported by both The City of Red Deer and Red Deer County financially. The airport plays a significant role in regional economic development. All parties collaboratively plan, and advocate to levels of government for funding support towards growth and expansion projects.