1008 - C Property Vandalism
1012 - C Customer Service Enhancements
1013 - C Water and Watershed Management
Council Policies
Council policies are Council's instructions to the City Manager and the organization.
In 2012 Council adopted a Policy Governance framework which is a comprehensive set of integrated principles designed to enable accountable leadership.
Policy Governance 
In the Policy Governance sections below, there are four types of policies, plus Bylaws that are set by Council:
- Purpose Statements
- Executive Limitation Policies
- Council to Management Delegation Policies
- Governance Process Policies
Purpose Statements Policies: Provide a description of the goals and directions of Council for the City.
Purpose of Purpose Statements (pdf)
PS-A-1.0 General Purpose (pdf)
PS-A-2.0 Civic Pride & Ownership (pdf)
PS-A-2.1 Wellbeing of the Community (pdf)
PS-A-2.2 Integrated & Accessible Transportation (pdf)
PS-A-2.3 Safety (pdf)
PS-A-2.4 Sustained & Enhanced Prosperity (pdf)
PS-A-2.5 Sustainable Use of Resources (pdf)
PS-A-2.8 Financial Sustainability (pdf)
Governance Process (GP) Policies: Provide a description of Council's role and how it will fulfill its accountability to its community and itself.
Purpose of Governance Process Policies (pdf)
GP 1.0 Governing Principles (pdf)
A) Accountability
GP-A-2.0 Accountability (pdf)
GP-A-2.1 Transparency (pdf)
GP-A-2.3 Decision Making (pdf)
B) Council Roles
GP-B-2.0 Councils Role & Responsibilities (pdf)
GP-B-2.1 Mayor & Acting Mayors Role (pdf)
GP-B-2.2 Deputy Mayors Role (pdf)
GP-B-2.2 01 Deputy Mayor Representation at Functions (pdf)
GP-B-2.3 Proclamations & Letters of Support (pdf)
C) Cost of Governance
GP-C-2.0 Cost of Governance (pdf)
GP-C-2.1 Workshops (pdf)
GP-C-2.2 Retreats (pdf)
GP-C-2.3 Council Compensation & Benefits (pdf)
GP-C-2.4 Council Expenses (pdf)
GP-C-2.5 Council Recognition (pdf)
GP-C-2.6 Civic Recognition for Committee Board & Commission Members (pdf)
GP-C-2.7 Expenses for Council Committee Board & Commission Members (pdf)
D) Public Engagement/Relationships
GP-D-2.0 Council Committee Principles (pdf)
GP-D-2.1 01 Nomination Committee (pdf)
GP-D-2.2 Community Relations & Public Participation (pdf)
GP-D-2.3 Municipal Features Naming (pdf)
GP-D-2.4 Sponsorship (pdf)
E) Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation
GP-E-2.0 Planning Monitoring & Evaluation (pdf)
F) Financial
GP-F-2.0 Reserves (pdf)
GP-F-2.1 Capital Grants & Loans (pdf)
GP-F-2.2 Debt (pdf)
GP-F-2.3 Investments (pdf)
GP-F-2.4 Property Tax Cancellation (pdf)
GP-F-2.5 Fees and Charges (pdf)
GP-F-2.6 Community Development Grants (pdf)
GP-F-2.7 Utility Governance (pdf)
GP-F-2.8 Electric Utility Governance (pdf)
Council-Management Delegation Policies: Describe the manner in which Council connects its governance direction to management action (through the City Manager).
Purpose of Council-Management Delegation Policies (pdf)
CMD-1.0 Delegation Principles (pdf)
CMD-2.0 City Manager's Role & Responsibilities (pdf)
CMD-2.1 City Manager Compensation (pdf)
CMD-2.2 City Manager Performance Assessment (pdf)
CMD-2.3 Annual Exempt Staff Compensation Adjustment (pdf)
Executive Limitation Policies: Define the limitations within which the City Manager works to accomplish Council directives
Purpose of Executive Limitation Policies (pdf)
EL 1.0 General Executive Constraints (pdf)
A) Human Resources
EL-A-2.0 Acting City Manager (pdf)
EL-A-2.1 Compensation & Benefits (pdf)
EL-A-2.2 Treatment of Employees (pdf)
EL-A-2.3 Treatment of Public (pdf)
EL-A-2.4 Ethical Behaviour (pdf)
B) Organizational Effectiveness
EL-B-2.0 Communication and Support to Council (pdf)
EL-B-2.1 Emergency Management (pdf)
EL-B-2.2 Public Image (pdf)
EL-B-2.3 Relationships With Other Entities (pdf)
EL-B-2.4 Growth (pdf)
C) Service Levels
EL-C-2.0 Cosmetic Pesticide Use City Maintained Parks & Public Land (pdf)
D) Financial
EL-D-2.0 Financial Sustainability (pdf)
EL-D-2.0.4 Use of City Owned Land (pdf)
EL-D-2.0.5 Investments (pdf)
EL-D-2.0.6 Parking Fine Revenue Sharing (pdf)
EL-D-2.7 Public Art (pdf)
Other Council Policies
Prior to adoption of Policy Governance, traditional policy development was structured along organizational departments and functions. Many of these policies still exist and over time, as appropriate, will be amalgamated within the Policy Governance framework. They continue to stand as instructions to the organization.
4307 - C Guide and Information Signs Installation Warrant
4309 - C Arterial Roadway Standards Right of Way Width and Noise Attenuation
4310 - C Stormwater Management
4312 - C Off Site Levies
4313 - C Traffic Noise Attenuation
4316 - C Concrete and Asphalt Services for Redevelopment Projects
5303 - C Calculating Costs of City Forces
5311 - C Invoicing Third Party Services
5313 - C Grants to Community Service Organizations
5320 - C Capital Budget Policy
5320.02 - C Capital Budget Contingency Policy
5320.03 - C Capital Budget Funding Policy
Backgrounder to Capital Budget Policies 5320, 5320.02, 5320.03 (pdf)
5321 - C Operating Budget Policy
5322 - C Community Capital Retention Policy
5323 - C Capitalization of Interest
5331 - C Delegation for Disposal of Unclaimed Surplus Items (pdf)
5352 - C Debenture Interest Rates (pdf)
6101 - C Development Officer Condominium Property Act
6114 - C Greater Downtown Parking Areas Development
6116 - C Dog License Fees (pdf)
Reference: 3429/2009 The Dog Bylaw (pdf)
6118 - C Aggressive Dog Designation
6201 - C Economic Development
6202 - C Land Banking Development Program
6204 - C Delinquent Land Sales Agreements
6205 - C Lease of City Owned Farm Lands
6207 - C Property Pins and Lines
6208 - C Real Estate Expenses
6209 - C Survey Firms
6215 - C Fee for Service Land and Economic Development