Black Cart

Pretty much everything that can't go in your Green (organics) or Blue (recycling) Carts can go in your Black Cart.

Note: format addresses without dashes or special characters. Please use street suffixes when searching for your address. Search by street number or suffix and results will update automatically as you type.

What goes in the Black Cart?

Almost everything that doesn't go in your Green (organics) or Blue (recycling) Carts can go in your Black Cart. This includes:

  • Styrofoam
  • Diapers
  • Plastic bags
  • Plastic films
  • Aluminum foil
  • Gift wrap and ribbons
  • Laminated paper
  • Wax paper
  • Small lids
  • Multi-material packaging (e.g. chip bags, frozen food trays, deodorant, toothpaste and pet food bags)

Unacceptable items: remember to take electronic waste, household hazardous waste, fluorescent lights, batteries and tires to the Waste Management Facility for proper disposal.

How do I use my cart?
  1. Store your carts where it is most convenient for you, like in your yard or garage.
  2. Write your address on the white area on the side of your carts.
  3. Review what goes inside each cart.
  4. Set the appropriate carts out on your pick-up day.
  5. Once your Green Cart is full, extra yard waste that does not fit in your cart can be set out along with the full Green Cart, according to the extra yard waste pickup guidelines.
  6. Return the carts back to your property after collection.
  7. Periodically rinse your carts to help keep them tidy.
What are the cart size options?

There is only one charge on your utility bill that covers Green, Blue and Black Cart collection services. The amount you are charged is determined by the size of your Black Cart. Your Green, Blue and Black Cart do not need to be the same size. 

120 litres - holds 2 blue boxes of recycling or 1 ½ regular garbage bags
Monthly utility rate if you select a 120 litre Black Cart: $21.50
Graphic showing how much garbage a small cart will hold 
240 litres - holds 4 blue boxes of recycling or 3 regular garbage bags
Monthly utility rate if you select a 240 litre Black Cart: $26.25
Graphic showing how much garbage a medium sized cart will hold 
Extra Large:
360 litres - holds 6 blue boxes of recycling or 4 ½ garbage bags
Monthly utility rate if you select a 360 litre Black Cart: $33.50
Graphic showing how much garbage an extra large sized cart will hold 
Can I request a different size Black Cart?

Residents may request a different Blue or Black Cart size. Residents cannot request a different Green Cart size because Green Cart sizes are based on lot size. 

A $57.10 Cart Exchange Fee will be charged when residents request a cart size change. The exchange fee may be waived for residents requesting an exchange at the time of, or shortly after opening a new utility account when the carts assigned to the property do not meet the needs of their household.  

Cart exchange requests can be made by phoning the Blue Line at 403-340-BLUE (2583) or by email at

Is there a weight limit for carts?

Yes, the weight of the cart and the material in the cart must not exceed 45 kg (100 lbs.) for a small cart, 90 kg (200 lbs.) for a medium cart or 115 kg (250 lbs.) for an extra-large cart.

If you can easily roll your cart, it is likely not overweight. If your cart is too heavy, remove some material and save it for your next collection day. If you are putting heavy material in your cart such as apples that have fallen from your trees or wet leaves in the spring, you may want to fill your cart only half full.

Landfill (Waste Management Facility)

Landfill hours, and tipping fees for garbage, recycling, yard waste and household hazardous waste.

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Phone: 403-340-BLUE (2583)