Detachment Profile and Office Hours

The non-emergency police phone number has changed. Please call 403-406-2200 for non-emergency calls.


Office Hours

Downtown Detachment

Customer Service Hours of Operation:

Monday to Friday: 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Saturday, Sunday & Holidays: Closed

Finger Printing: By appointment only. Please call Admin Line to request.

Admin Line: 403-406-2300; open 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Non-emergency 24/7 line: 403-406-2200
Fax: 403-346-1365 


Downtown RCMP Detachment
4602-51 Ave
Red Deer, AB

Mailing Address:

Red Deer RCMP
P.O. Box 5033
Red Deer, AB
T4N 6A1

North Detachment

Please note: Customer service is not available at the North Detachment. Please use the Downtown Detachment if you require in-person customer service.

Mailing Address:

Red Deer RCMP
P.O. Box 5033
Red Deer, AB
T4N 6A1

Detachment Profile

The Red Deer RCMP is a modern, urban police force with several specialized units to ensure the best response is provided to the community. Meet the many dedicated units that keep Red Deer safe by clicking through the accordion list below, or viewing the 2024-26 Detachment Profile booklet (pdf).

General Duty Police Officers

In Red Deer, we have 80 general duty members split between four watches (or shifts). These officers are the first responders to 9-1-1 calls for service from the public. Beyond responding to emergency calls, they do everything from conducting preventative patrols, investigating motor vehicle collisions and impaired driving enforcement, conducting school visits and enforcing municipal bylaws, provincial statutes, Criminal Code offences, and the Controlled Drug and Substances Act. The general duty officers play a pivotal role in increasing police visibility in Red Deer and responding to emergency police calls.

General Investigation Section (GIS)

Red Deer’s GIS teams are responsible for major criminal investigations, focusing on larger, in-depth investigations such as violent persons crimes, robberies, financial crimes and drugs. These officers also support serious and high-risk investigations conducted by General Duty members. GIS often works on special projects, and their in-depth work has increased the rate of solved crimes in Red Deer. These officers work in plain clothes, use unmarked police cars, and work in specialized sub-units, which often  collaborate to provide investigative knowledge and support. Specialized sub-units within GIS include:

  • Fraud
  • Drug Trafficking
  • Property Crime
  • Human Trafficking
  • Person Crimes
  • Domestic Violence
Crime Reduction Unit (CRU)

The CRU tackles emerging crime trends and community issues through intelligence-led policing. The 12-member unit primarily focuses on property crimes and investigating prolific offenders, using a variety of crime prevention, suppression and apprehension tactics to respond to the unique needs of each community. CRT also works closely with a wide range of clients and partners, from those affected by homelessness and local agencies to downtown businesses and neighborhood associations. Together, they identify and address the root causes of crime. PINPOINT is a major initiative within this unit that targets repeat offenders.

Downtown Patrol Unit

Since 2018, the DPU’s 6 RCMP officers have been providing highly-visible and proactive enforcement of Red Deer’s downtown core. Two Community Peace Officers with enhanced enforcement powers joined the unit in 2022, providing extra enforcement to address theft and mischief, as well as other City bylaws and provincial statutes. Together, this integrated unit focuses on enhancing police visibility and developing relationships with the residents, businesses and social agencies in the downtown.

Police and Crisis Team (PACT)

The PACT pairs an RCMP officer with a Registered Psychiatric Nurse employed by the Primary Care Network. The two PACT teams provide a specialized response to adults and youth experiencing mental health crises in Red Deer. PACT’s goal is to work collaboratively with various organizations and partners in the mental health field to decrease the rate of relapse amongst clients with mental health issues. By identifying gaps in services that will benefit the client, and connecting them with agencies or services that will address their unique needs, PACT is able to improve the quality of life for their clients.

Domestic Violence Unit

The Domestic Violence Unit is made up of four RCMP members and a support worker, investigating high risk and complex domestic violence matters, monitoring prolific offenders and supporting victims and families. The DVU works closely with federal, provincial and local agencies to promote awareness and prevention of family violence. DVU also works closely with Victim Services to ensure victims are connected to the appropriate supports.

Domestic violence can include mental, physical, sexual and/or emotional abuse by one partner toward his or her partner, their children, or the elderly and disabled. Abusers may try to intimidate or control their victims by destroying personal property, withdrawing access to children or pets, or keeping victims from contact with friends or family.

Virtual Opioid Dependency Program

The two VODP teams are comprised of a paramedic and a police officer. These teams administer the VODP pro-actively to individuals in the community or those who have been arrested. The teams are also able to make referrals and follow-up with VODP clients to assist with other programming and supports that improves quality of life.

Police Dog Services (PDS)

The Red Deer RCMP has four PDS officers and dogs that provide operational support to RCMP members. This includes locating evidence, tracking suspects, searching crime scenes, searching for missing persons or bodies, explosives locating, providing VIP protection and crowd control, and participating in crime prevention education programs. The PDS teams are on call within Red Deer and central Alberta 24 hours a day.

Dog handlers and their dogs are trained at the Police Dog Training Centre in Innisfail, Alberta. Red Deer RCMP and Red Deer Sub-Division share the resources of four dog handlers and their dogs.

Traffic Services

This unit responds to traffic-related calls for service and enforces traffic criminal offences like impaired, distracted, or dangerous driving, and provincial traffic laws. Traffic Services uphold the safety of all citizens, whether walking, biking, riding public transit or travelling by vehicle. Red Deer also has the support of collision analysts and reconstruction experts.

Photo Radar locations and information

Reporting Motor Vehicle Collisions

Red Deer Forensic Identification Section (FI)

FIS provides forensic support to Red Deer as well as 21 central Alberta RCMP detachments and two municipal police forces. FIS manages a wide variety of cases, from property crimes such as stolen vehicles and break and enters, to crimes against persons including suspicious deaths and homicides. FIS members photograph crime scenes and search for physical evidence i.e. fingerprints, footwear impressions and tire track impressions. They collect and submit evidence to the Forensics Labs for analysis and may provide expert opinions on comparing physical evidence.

Youth and Community Action Team

The YCAT focuses on creating community connections and building relationships. Members meet with businesses, schools, and community groups to provide Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and other important crime prevention initiatives. YCAT also provides a dedicated resource to the Youth Justice initiative, working with youth who are currently involved in criminality. Through the Youth Intervention Program, YCAT and community agencies work together to support youth. Collaboratively with community organizations, youth are provided with wraparound services that reduce crime in four key ways: by addressing the underlying circumstances of the offending behaviour, imposing meaningful consequences that are fair and proportionate to the offence being committed, providing timely intervention that reinforces the link between offending behaviour and its consequences, and assisting with rehabilitation and reinforcing respect for societal values.

Public Information Officer

Enhancing community interaction through the use of social media tools, traditional media relations, and community consultations, the PIO is a critical resource to the Red Deer RCMP. The PIO ensures the community is informed about crime prevention, unfolding events, and the important work police are doing in our community.


Red Deer RCMP contributes several members to this integrated, specialized enforcement team. Alberta Law Enforcement Response Teams (ALERT) is comprised of all the province’s municipal police agencies, RCMP, and Sheriffs, and investigates a range of issues such as drug trafficking, child exploitation, and gang violence. While the Red Deer team covers a wide swath of Central Alberta, ALERT teams are spread throughout urban centres across Alberta.

Criminal Intelligence Analysts

Red Deer has three CIAs providing support to investigations and several of our crime reduction initiatives, such as PINPOINT and the Downtown Enforcement Strategy. CIA assists by collecting information from law enforcement partners, analyzing crime data and mapping crime occurrences to focus policing efforts on crime hot spots and prolific offenders. They also identify emerging issues and share information with partner agencies.

Training Section

The Training Section is staffed with two Police and Public Safety Instructors who are responsible for providing ongoing coaching, mentoring and guidance to RCMP members. In Red Deer, RCMP members are continuously provided ongoing education and training. This section is also responsible for the regular inspection and maintenance of intervention option equipment, tactical training, and reintegration of members on long-term leaves.

Victim Services

Victim Services works directly with victims of crime and trauma within Red Deer. Three full-time staff, along with highly trained and skilled community volunteers, provide victims with support, information and referrals to help victims cope with immediate and long-term impacts of crime or trauma, provide encouragement and empowerment to victims as they navigate the Criminal Justice System, and help prevent further victimization. VSU also manages the Victim Services Dog, Argo. Argo supports clients that have suffered trauma. He helps victims navigate through tough situations like losing a loved one, providing statements, conducting interviews and testifying in court. Learn more by visiting the Victim Services website.

Municipal Policing Services

MPS are municipal employees who provide operational and administrative support to our investigations, working alongside the RCMP to serve Red Deer citizens. MPS staff provide a variety of support to policing, including: front counter customer service, non-emergency call taking, court liaison and stenographers, watch clerks, information analysts (CIA), exhibit custodians, social workers and twenty Community Peace Officers.