Red Deer, Alta. - On Mar. 5, 2022, at approximately 6 p.m., Red Deer RCMP responded to a complaint of a suspicious person and vehicle in the Morrisroe neighbourhood. Police were familiar with the property from previous calls, including recovering two abandoned stolen vehicles the previous week.
Upon arrival, police found the suspect vehicle unoccupied. From the exterior, the officer could see a prohibited firearm inside the vehicle. Officers attempted to speak with the occupant of the house, but the suspect would not respond.
Approximately one hour later, Red Deer RCMP members executed a warrant to Enter a Dwelling House, and arrested the lone male occupant of the residence.
Dwayne Jamieson (41) of Red Deer faces seven charges, including:
- Possession of a dangerous weapon
- Possession of a break-in instrument
- Possession of a firearm in vehicle
- Possession of a prohibited weapon with ammunition
- Unauthorized possession of a prohibited weapon
- Operating a motor vehicle while prohibited
- Possession of a prohibited firearm
Jamieson has been remanded and is scheduled to appear in Red Deer Provincial Court on Mar. 28, 2022.
The Red Deer RCMP would like to thank the neighbourhood for their vigilance in watching for and reporting suspicious behaviours. When you see a crime, suspicious behavior, or an unsafe situation in the community, police need to know about it to maintain community safety. If you see something, say something by reporting the situation by calling the non-emergency line at 403-343-5575 or online at
File #2022-277433