(Red Deer, Alta.) – Shortly before 6:30 p.m. on March 30, 2022, Red Deer RCMP received a report of a male chasing another male with a weapon in the Riverside Meadows neighbourhood.
Members attended and located two males sitting together matching the descriptions provided. When the officers approached the men, they stated that they were making funny videos and that there had been no intention to harm each other. The responding officers explained that this incident had caused concern from nearby residents and that the weapon would be seized.
When one of the men refused to comply with police commands, one of the officers removed their Conducted Energy Weapon and repeated his command. The man dropped the weapon and was placed under arrest. Police provided him with a warning and released him without charge. The weapon was later disposed of by police.
“We would like to warn the community that information being shared online as to the nature of this call and its outcome is misleading and encourage the public to use caution when reading information on social media,” says S/Sgt Jon England, Red Deer RCMP.
The Red Deer RCMP thank the community for reporting suspicious activity in their neighbourhood and encourage citizens to continue to do so. “Regardless of the outcome, we appreciate that the public took the matter seriously and called it in,” says S/Sgt. England.
Media contact:
Red Deer RCMP
File #: 2022-396825